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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Winter Sunshine Brings Focus

I am a winter person. However, this winter has been extremely hard on me. My son got frost nip in January and ever since, we've been locked indoors. It's been a LONG couple of months. My walls are closing in on me. And just when I'm about to lose my mind with the weather and the nonstop dropping of snow, the sun comes out.

The sun truly does come out! It's like a whole new day and outlook. Yes there is still 3-4 ft of snow in my yard. But the sun came out. My days are brighter. My blinds are open. My mind is somewhat more focused.

So what do you do when you are locked in your four walls for days .. weeks .. at a time? Well I write. :) And this is why I've been absent in my blogging. I am working on a couple of projects. Both of which I am EXTREMELY excited about.

Writing is my passion. As long as I can remember I've been writing my thoughts, poems, short silly stories, blogging. I even got a bachelor's degree in journalism. I love to write. I'm not a fictional writer though. I love to write real life possibilities with a fictional twist. I'm also working on a biography of sorts of an Alaskan character who is no longer living. This should prove to be interesting. From what I've heard about him and from what research I've done. He was an interesting fellow.

My hubby is my muse. He gives me such great ideas and I just go with it. He knows I love to write, and he knows that I find comfort in writing. It's really therapy for me. I write best at night. Which is why you'll see some of my blog posts at the strangest hours in the evening.

I may not be a great writer, but it doesn't hurt to have a hobby or two that you are passionate about. Besides, writing is like any other hobby. The more you do it, the better you become.

As our seemingly endless winter here in Alaska comes to a close, I hope that I am able to get out into nature more and find more inspiration and time to put into my passions. Because writing is only one passion of mine. Nature photography and enveloping myself into nature are my others!

What are your passions or hobbies? Do you find time to put the effort into them? What are your obstacles in focusing on them?


  1. I really like to bake and scrapbook. Some times i do find time to do them. with baking if i bake it i will eat it. so i try to only bake for occations like church pot-lucks and gatherings. Scrapbooking, i do when i can get to it. my biggest obstacles are time and my boys.

    1. My kids can also be an obstacle. And I have to constantly remind myself they are only this small for a blink of an eye and try not to get frustrated when I'm tired.
