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Friday, March 16, 2012

Artist Daughter

My daughter is in love with art. She loves to draw, color, paint, make things, write stories and then illustrate them. She loves music, musical instruments, singing. She loves art.

I've recently been researching ways to teach her art at home in order to peak her interest a little more. She takes piano lessons, which she LOVES and is doing so well.

So today I had her do some perspective art. I think is what it's called. I put an apple on our dining table and talked with her about how to paint what she saw. She "fake" painted with the paint brush first imagining the details that she was going to put on her paper. We used watercolor as her medium for this task.

Her view of what she was to paint.

She really enjoyed looking at the apple studying it's position on the table, and all the things around it that were in her viewpoint. She put it on the paper. I think next time we'll use a thicker paint that will allow her to manipulate the details a bit better.

Her art!
I gotta admit, I think she did really well. This was her first time trying out this type of art. I love that she has such a desire to do art in all forms! I hope to work more with her on her artistic capabilities and encourage her to seek out more ways to use art in her life.


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