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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mason in Public

I am sure that Mason has the ability to fool nearly every stranger we come in contact with. He just flutters his long eyelashes and gives a slightly crooked smile, and "snap" they are enamored with his cuteness. It's quite an amazing trick he can do.

This exact thing happened today at the customer service counter in the Palmer Fred Meyer. But before I can get to that point, let's back track the morning and see why I am in awe of his abilities.

We dropped Kara off promptly tardy to school this morning at 9:30. Then made our way to Wal-Mart so that I could order some contacts. While there, he modeled his monkey hat to a nice lady who proceeded to tell him how cute he was right AFTER I just picked him up because he was taking things off the shelves and then running around like a possessed rabbit. He was under the desks, on the chairs, rolling chairs away, handing me eye glass cleaning kits, and so on! Following the vision center fun, which btw, was only entertaining for the grandma that thought he was adorable (supposing this is because she's in a completely different phase in life), we wandered over to the Pillow Pets so that he could pick one out, so that the "Easter Bunny" brings a fun thing for him. He completely forgot about the pillow pet and threw some M&Ms up on the register. Yeah .. like this kid needs more energy!

Okay, moving on! So from Wal-Mart we ventured over to Thrifters Rock to see if they still had a game I was looking for. I ran in, without him, I KNOW I KNOW!! Big no no .. but while in there .. I took a breath because I was sure that Fred Meyer was going to be such a great experience. Have you ever stood near a lion's den fence at a zoo with a cheeseburger? Well, shopping with Mason in a grocery store is a lot like torturing that lion with your cheeseburger. It's a task.

Anyway, so we get in and get the chickens (because at .89/lb who doesn't go and buy 5 whole chickens?) And we get some other meats on sale. Because that's how I roll! The other reason I went to the grocery store was for stamps. Why? Well because the Palmer Post Office is slower than molasses, it's about as fast as a stampeding group of worms. So I purchase my stamps at the Fred Meyer. And the customer service lady always giggles. And then Mason flirts and here we are back to the public cuteness of my son.

He is a frustratingly cute and funny little man. He has such a great determined personality! He challenges every ounce of my sanity and pushes me to the brink of a padded room. Then he flutters his long eyelashes and smiles and makes you want to hug and kiss him. RAWR! The lady at the Fred Meyer told me that her boys are 11 and she's dreading puberty. She told me that she wishes they were little like Mason again! I, politely, giggle and say awe he's got me on my toes for sure. And she says "He's just a cutey! Enjoy this time."

REALLY!?!?! REALLY!?!?! REALLY!!!!!! "ENJOY THIS TIME!!" I am aware that all moms have been in this time at some point. Hopefully. Or is it just me?? Am I just the one with the full-fledged terrible two-year-old in the house?? I can't be. Because honestly, I'm about done with "THIS TIME." I'm ready to shop without the constant request of all the food he can see. I'm ready to buckle him into his carseat without a fight. I'm ready to not have to close every door in the house because his curiosity is just too much to deny. I'm SO ready to not have him chuck his plate on the floor, across the table, or at me. LOL

I love my boy! I love watching him grow and learn and try new things. I really love his snuggles and his kisses. I so love his "hucks" (hugs). And I really love how he plays with his toys. There are things I'm not ready to move past. But I really could do without all the challenges, for maybe one day. :)


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