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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

That's for the birds.

Wow! The past few days (weeks) have really tested my patience, diligence, temper, time management. Did I say patience? Oh that's right, I did. No biggie though, I've been repeating myself a lot, lately. So why not on my blog?! Are you following me? Let me tell you, this blog is likely to not have a point. Do any really??

As I sit her staring at the Today Show, a list is forming in my head of all the things I need to accomplish over the next 72 hours. Not including today. But the next 3 days are jam packed with a lot of stuff. I don't really know why I do this to myself. Suppose I like the excitement of unnecessary stress really!?! Who knows? But the point is, I do it. I do it often. And I think that overbooking and overextending myself is one thing I do with 100% perfection.

I find it difficult to have a calm, quiet, and well-planned schedule. Psh! That's for the birds. I mean what Christian mom, wife, business owner, friend, organizer, family member, life lover (I say this one with the hope that it will actually mean something today) wouldn't want a less stress calendar of events. You know, the one thing that would help this is if my son would just take his nap while I type this blog. Oh a maid would help too!

I feel stressed. Do you get that?? If not, I'll elaborate more. My husband called on his way home from work yesterday and I prepared him for the house when he got here. I said, and I quote, "Don't say one thing about the condition of the house when you walk in the door." Okay, so maybe that was more of a warning that I'm not in the mood for his funny remarks about how I'm a stay-at-home-mom and that I should be on top of things. Yea, perhaps that was a warning, not a preparation. Why do I need to "prep" him for the condition?? It's not like I'm only a SAHM. I am an errand girl, chauffeur, bank, waitress, diaper changer, toy picker upper, laundry doer. Wait wait, I am a maid!! What was I thinking, I have a maid already! ME! Uh duh!

Not to mention the extreme cabin fever that is resonating in this house with not just my kids, but ME! Oh wow, what I would do for a bright sunny DRY day outside with my kids. WHY WON'T HE GO TO SLEEP!?!??! I just can't figure out this naptime stuff. Ya know, as an adult I would love to take a nap daily! If only.....

I think that I feel better now. I am a bit stressed. With everything in me, I was/am seeking some patience today. I'm running a little short! So I seek out a Bible verse.

Psalm 55:22 NIV: Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.  

Alright, so here's my cares! Sure hope and pray that I'm sustained today. And that MASON GOES TO SLEEP!!!

Peace. =)


  1. Had to correct the Bible verse. Yeah.

  2. If you find a good maid I need one too! I may BE one, but I am not any good at it, lol. Hope your day gets better. :)
