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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Viagra Mom:......................

Okay, so I have to recommend this chapter to everyone. It's hilarious. If you haven't figured out what it's about by the title of it let me post the full Chapter 6 title: Viagra Mom: Real Moms Aren't Always in the Mood for Sex. And I know that this is true as I'm a mom. :)

This chapter has so many funny excerpts. I will share a few. One part of the chapter discusses how sex changes after children. The chapter outlines 4 main reasons:

#4 You're distracted. Just when mom and dad are finally reaching the big moment, there comes a tug and small voice from the side of the bed in the darkness, "Daddy, can I have a ride next?" You only have to hear that true story once and it's tough to forget that you too might have an audience.

I don't know about you, but I'll be making sure I lock my bedroom door from now on. ;)

Another excerpt I'd like to share is about how the media portrays intimacy in marriages after children.

Media images make marriage with young children out to be one giant romp of making more young children.

It's definitely not easy to have the same intimacy after you have children. It's been my experience that it was easier when there was only one child to trap, versus two to worry about.

In a section discussing how to increase sexual intimacy it says, "Busy husbands and wives often struggle with time for making love. (Experts label some of these couples DINS- Dual Income, No Sex.)" I'm not a working mom, but I can see how the busy lives of couples can interfere with their intimacy.

The chapter also discusses our view on ourselves and our husbands. How do I nurture myself and take care of myself so that I can be sure to be there for my family's, and especially my husband's needs? Song of Soloman 5:16 says "This is my lover, this my friend." It is true that Aaron and I started as friends and it was then that I realized he was the one for me. Our intimacy started long before we started ummm .. ya know!! LOL!

One more excerpt, "The experience of sex is vital to the fullness of what marriage was intended to be." Intimate, private, one on one (no pun intended), togetherness. All of this is acquired during this intimate activity. This is the experience that shows a commitment to one person, your spouse.

But ever since children, yes our lives have changed. How do we make time, find the energy, and the desire to be together? It's not always a challenge. It depends on our days, weeks, children.

I'm not going to answer the questions. But I'll post them for you to consider when thinking about how children have changed your sex lives in your marriage.

1) What is your favorite thing about sexual intimacy with your husband? How can you build on this to improve your overall relationship?

2) In what area do you most fear you are not normal sexually? How can you find out if this area is a real problem and get help for yourself?

3) In what ways have children changed your intimacy? Have you talked with your husband about these changes? How and when could you discuss theses changes with him?

4) Taking care of yourself increases your sexual appetite. How are you taking care of yourself? How could you improve?

5) Song of Songs in the Bible talks about "my lover, my friend." How do you invest in your husband as your friend? As your lover? How is your relationship growing in both of these areas?

More Real Mom Moments:

  • A real mom gets a pedicure so she can use her toes in all new ways.
  • A real mom does Kiegel exercises at stoplights.
  • A real mom gets crazy once in a while.
Peace be with you all!

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