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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lookin' Good Enough Mom: Real Moms Struggle with Their Looks

I have delayed this blog ALL day. For many reasons I'm not ready to put out there on the Internet. So for this post I will stick to the Reality Check questions.

Chapter 4 covers how mom's view their physical appearance and the false sense of reality that all women have of what beauty is.

1) Hal Boyle writes, "Your body is far more intricate than the federal highway system. Inside you are some 100,000 miles of nerve fibers along which message zip at speeds of 300 miles per hour." How does this quote help you respect your body?

I know that there are amazing things going on in my body right now just so I can type this blog. Connections are being made in my brain to form words right as another connection is being sent to my eyes to look at the computer screen and also to my fingers that have been trained on the keyboard. My fingers are operating at will and know their way around the keyboard. When I take a walk thousands of connections are being made to watch what I'm doing, move my legs, hold my balance, alternate legs while walking.

Respecting the internal functions of my body is so easy for me. My biggest fear is those connections stopping. I am working everyday putting healthy products into my body to encourage healthy connections, exercising as often as I can to encourage the practice of those connections, using my brain to read, write, and think.

The idea that so many nerves are being used in my body is amazing. Respect for the functionality of the human body comes easy to me. It's just an amazing organism.

2) "How you look reflects who you are." What does this statement mean to you? Is who you are on the inside reflected in how you look on the outside? Explain.

That statement means to me what I have accepted as reality my whole life. If I look healthy, put together, and happy it sends a message to everyone that I am put together, healthy, and happy. It can fool anyone. I think for the most part my inner person is shown on the outside. I don't know how to explain this.

3) What area of your body do you have the hardest time "loving"? How can you help yourself change this response?

I have a hard time loving the all the junk in my trunk. LOL! Buying pants has always been a joke and it's only gotten harder as I've gotten older because the styles of changed. Pants are still the same size but they are smaller in style. I'm sorry but if I were to buy a pair of pants that are in style now half my crack would show and I don't get paid plumber rates to put on a show.

The only way that I think I'll be loving the junk is if junk in the trunk pants became a style. :)

4) How can you "maximize" your appearance?

I have NO idea. I do what I can everyday to make myself appear clean (by showering and wearing clean clothes), put together (mostly matching clothes), and awake (makeup does wonders). I guess giving myself positive affirmations would be a great way to start. Having a positive outlook on my personal appearance could also help.

5) The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. How do you live out that truth?

Oh if only walls could talk. ;)

No really I just eat healthy things, I try to only entertain positive energy in my life. I am there for my family and friends. I pray. I exercise. It's amazing what an effect energy from people can have on your body.

This blog was short because I'm not comfortable discussing my physical appearance.

More Real Mom Moments:

  • A real mom counts chasing a toddler around the house as exercise.
  • A real mom considers her bathrobe a fashion accessory.
Peace be with you all!

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