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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Decision Confidence!

Sometimes, no all the time, we just need a little faith.
A little confidence in our decision making and some common sense to know when what we are doing just isn't working.
Sometimes, no all the time, we just need to take a step back and reevaluate what is going on.
Take in all the information.
Make an educated decision.
Then be confident in that decision.

Why is it when it comes to our children, our confidence in our decision making shatters like glass?
I am probably one of the worst offenders in doubting my decisions.
I really REALLY don't want to screw up my kids.
I mean, if they are messed up as adults, who are they going to blame ... ME!
So it is ALWAYS, no sometimes, very difficult to be confident in my decisions.

Why does the education system let children like my daughter fall through the cracks?
She's bright, intelligent, sociable, friendly, obedient, service oriented, ambitious.....
How does a child that has the goals to be successful in life get "left behind?"
How does a child, with two teachers as parents, fall between the cracks in our education system?

Look, I'm not going to bash on our educational system.
I know it's not perfect. I'm aware that it can be the most inspiring and uninspiring system at the same time.
I cannot sit by and watch my child get dropped through the cracks.

For the first time, in my motherhood experience, I am 100% confident in our decision regarding Kara's education. And THAT, my friends, SCARES the living cereal out of me!!

At this time, in our first grader's educational experience, we are venturing into a new territory.
Claiming our ground as parents, educators, and influences of our daughter.
There have been many times with Mason, I know I'm doing the right thing.
Kara was my practice toddler .. ;)

There is one thing everyone will be able to say about Aaron and me...
We LOVE our children!
With every beat of our hearts, breath in our lungs!
And because of that, we will not let a system fail our daughter!!

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