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Friday, December 2, 2011

Hair Touching or HAIRassing!! AHAHAHA

Something has been sticking out at me the past .. oh say 30 odd years .. something bright, vibrant, noticeable, and it's something that EVERYONE has to comment on. Can you guess what it is???? OH yeah .. my hair color! :)
I've been a red head since birth, and while I do love my hair, I can remember a time in my life that I didn't care for being a redhead. The truth is, red hair is somewhat a phenomenon. So does this make me a phenomenon?!?! Heck yeah! Which is why I'm so awesome, right??? Just agree and go with me on this!
I have a few redheaded friends that are gorgeous women. My sister and brother and few cousins are redheads (runs in the family). My grandpa was lovingly called "Red" and not because of his rosy cheeks after a glass or two of Wild Turkey. :) Love you gramps!
The truth is that red hair is a show stopper. Women pay hundreds of dollars to dye their hair red, all the while, a true redhead can point out dyed red hair. ;) Oh yeah .. we know girls. You can't fake it.
You know, I have dyed my hair twice in my life .. like ALL of my hair. And it was always a darker shade of red. I never sought out to actually "change" my hair color. Cause I love it.
I'm sure you wondering if there's a point to this blog. No worries, I'm wondering the same thing. HAHAHA!
I know that when people comment on my hair, they are doing it with the best of intentions, but sometimes, very rarely, am I wondering if they are going to stalk me in my sleep and scalp me. No no .. just kidding. .. er wait .. no I'm serious.
I bring this topic up because I have a friend who has aweseomely beautifully styled hair all the time, and recently she was at a shopping mall where some creeper touched her hair. I can totally relate to the creeper. I want to touch her hair all the time. HOWEVER, I value having ALL 10 of my fingers connected to my hand.
Anyway, I know what she felt when she was weirded out (and somewhat annoyed) at the touching of the hair. This is my whole life. People always want to touch my hair. WHY!?!? I don't get it. I mean, I could have been suffering from lice that day or something. Seriously.
The point is, even though people have beautiful hair, don't touch it. It's wrong on so many levels. Not to mention most women have spent countless seconds perfecting exactly where that specific hair you are touching is being positioned. And because you thought it was okay to touch said hair .. you've now messed up the positioning.
In closing, if you really want red hair .. you will really have to pay a pretty penny to get it perfectly dyed. Maroon hair does not look good on anyone. Well maybe that one person, but typically not really on anyone.



  1. I don't have red hair but I do have weirdos touch it all the time, and I hate it!!!!

  2. Yeah .. I just don't get it .. WHY do people feel like hair and pregnant bellies are a free for all for touching???
