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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A bit of frustration.

It's one of those "Ah ha" moments that you realize that a certain habit has created a little too much drama in your life. Well that's where I'm at with Facebook. I used it as a tool to keep in contact with people. I created photo albums so family and friends could watch our life unfold in Alaska. I even added and deleted somewhere around 600 friends. Down to 258 at this point. And 80% of them are family. So, I ask myself, I said "Self, why do you keep your Facebook? Why open yourself up to all the wonders of drama and misinterpreted jokes?" And I answered "I'm addicted."

Yep, folks, I have an addiction to FB. And over the past 2ish years my addiction has gotten more and more consuming. I'm on my phone, on TWO computers at one time in two different rooms in my house, glancing at it when I get the chance at someone else's house, and to make matters worse, I started posting more and more private matters. FB became like my "home away from home" when I was needing to escape from whatever my task was at hand.

Recently, a "friend" reposted a conversation I had had on my FB page with other "friends." He so politely posted it on a Left Wing FB page with some inaccurate information and only, of course, posting the part of the conversation that deemed him a Left Wing Hero. He so politely left my first name and picture posted with the conversation and then claimed my husband was out of work and I was a journalist.

Let's be clear here about one thing, I don't care if my conversations are copied, pasted, re-posted, whatever. The insulting parts were that my picture -- meaning my face -- was still attached with my first name. And let's just clear a few other things up while we're at it. I am no longer a journalist. I worked in radio and newspaper for five years. Was disgusted and disgruntled by the fact that I was UNABLE to speak or print my own opinion OR keep what I was editing unbiased if it went with what the media was portraying. The media is biased, people. Believe it or not, I don't care. I switched gears and got a new degree in elementary education, sought a new course for my life. So get that right, you left-winged bigot. And 2) my husband is not an "out-of-work teacher." He is actually progressing, working hard for everything he earns, and is able, because of his hard work, to provide for his family and allow me to be a stay at home mom!

Now I'm not usually an angry person, but I cannot STAND when people feel like it's their place to bring people or families down. Get a grip society, we will only be as good as the worst. Don't be the person that brings everyone down. It's OKAY to have different opinions. It's okay to make mistakes, regroup and come back. And believe me, it's OKAY to defend yourself, your family, and your integrity.


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