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Saturday, January 1, 2011


As I sit here and recollect 2010 there are so many things that happened this year that were amazing, some that were awe inspiring, and some that I would rather not repeat.

It's hard for me to narrow down the times that were the best and the worst. I try not to dwell on certain events. But I'll name a few that were very instrumental toward our future.

The beginning of the year defined my desire to become a full-blown teacher. I am in love with educating young minds and seeing those moments when students get it. It's the most amazing thing! However, since our children are so young, Aaron and I decided that it's best for them that I stay home. Childcare is not my idea of a place for my kids, since our lifestyle does not require I work. We have the ability to afford me to be home to raise our kids. So in time I will become a teacher of young minds. =)

Mason turned 1 in March. What a great celebration that was! I love my boy more than ever, and his birthday is just one day of the year where we get to focus just on him and celebrate the gift of his life.

In July, we flew to Las Vegas to watch my sister marry the love of her life. It's been a moment in waiting for many years, and it was beautiful to watch. I love the maturity of these two and I am patiently waiting for a niece or nephew to befall these two wonderful people. They have gone through a lot together and deserve more than ever to have everything they want.

August birthed a new beginning for me and starting my own photography business. Nature and landscape photography has been a private hobby of mine. I love nature! I love capturing nature in its raw beauty. But starting SAK Photography has allowed me to incorporate people into my already existing hobby.

September brought about a surgery that would forever change the course of our lives. The result of the surgery was an inevitable hysterectomy. Though to some that may seem very minor, to me it was life changing. You never really know if you're done having children until you are forced with a one-way decision.

November brings around celebration every year, but this year it was a culmination of three. Both Aaron and I turned 29, which is a birthday I've been looking forward to forever. HAHAH! It's an age for me that says "I'm a grownup." It is also the month and year that Kara turned 5. The past 5 years have been such a ride with my beautiful girl. She is smart, amazing, and altogether wonderful. I just cannot believe she is 5. This is a milestone birthday for all parents, I think. For us it was a time to celebrate Kara and all she is.

December was the month I had been dreading for three months. My hysterectomy came December 21, and was actually an amazing relief from the pain and dragging I had been feeling for the past 9ish months. I was in awe at how well I felt just fresh out of surgery. I had an amazing doctor for my care, and a wonderful husband to care for me at home. I am so thankful that I feel so much better.

Christmas is always a special time because of the birth of our Lord and Savior. December's celebration of Christ's birth always reminds me that even though I may have had a rough time in the past year, He is there to help me through the coming year. I celebrate his birth, as most do, December 25 and was overwhelmed this year with gratitude for my husband and children.

The New Year's Eve celebration is, by far, my favorite holiday. There's something that so simple and pure about the idea of a new beginning in a new year. It's never a "real" new beginning. We don't just "wipe" the previous year(s) away as if they never existed. I find that the new year is a way to remember the past and move on to the future while using our learned lessons today.

I hope that to all of you you've had a wonderful year, up and down, but most of all, I hope you all loved!


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