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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

30 by 30

So I was reading about this list that you are supposed to make when you turn 29 about the 30 things you wish to accomplish by age 30. I never did this, so I think I'll do it now. In no particular order.

1. lose weight (I'm sure this is every woman's #1)
2. journal more
3. forgive
4. cross country ski more often
5. climb Lazy Mountain (which I've been told is not a lazy mountain)
6. run in the Mayor's Marathon (the five-miler)
7. be sure to let my friends know how much they mean to me
8. ask for help when needed (this is hard for me)
9. catch a salmon with my fishing rod
10. fix my tattoo on my ankle
11. get my nose pierced (hahaha .. we'll see if this happens)
12. take an R&R trip to Seattle (already in the making)
13. pay off some debt
14. grow my business
15. sleep a solid amount of hours every night (obviously tonight is excluded)
16. exercise regularly (it's good for the heart)
17. love on my babies everyday
18. tell Aaron I love him everyday
19. practice the piano more
20. play the guitar more often
21. effectively teach Kara the running man
22. remember to water my indoor plants regularly (I'm sure this one can be successful)
23. work on my relationship with God (it's been a bit rejected lately)
24. declutter my house
25. drive the Denali Park Road (this is conditional I have to enter a lottery and get drawn for it)
26. shoot a gun
27. remember to call my daddy every Sunday
28. embrace the relationship as it is with specific family members
29. move on from the past and not hold on to so much hurt
30. learn to love myself for who and what I am!

I think that that list is achievable. I also want to say it's not in order of importance.

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