Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Too Fast

She is growing up,
But not too fast.
I plan to make each moment last.

She's resilient and confident,
She's bossy and defiant.
I plan to remember each event.

She's smart and friendly,
Wise beyond her years.
This day is bringing me to tears.

She is growing up,
I thought not fast,
But today I realized,
This moment won't last.

My little bright beauty at six years old,
Has so many things in her life I've been told.
She's a leader and a friend and a comforter.

My little girl with her ocean of eyes,
Will always be my little girl,
No matter her size.

Today she leaves her Kindergarten behind,
Tomorrow marks the journey of a different kind,
She is growing up way too fast.
How do I make this moment last?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Forgot Deodorant

Ever have one of those rough nights where your kid won't sleep? Which makes it so you don't sleep. But you need sleep, because the next day beckons your attention. And we all know what happens when Mom doesn't have full attention.

Cereal gets "shared" with the dog.
Toilets gets "plunged."
Dishes get "done."
Breakfast gets "made."
Kids get dressed inside out and backward.
Speed limits become a suggestion.
Mom's hair looks like a bad hair day for Steven Tyler.
Laundry piles up.
Floors don't get swept.
Mail doesn't get sorted ... just thrown away .. only to realize you likely threw away a check that could've been cashed.
Beds don't get made.
TV becomes a babysitter for about the 3.75 minutes of quiet time. Only to wake up in a panic and wonder where the 3 y/o that MUST be supervised at all times has quietly found something entertaining to do with finger nail polish......
Bathing becomes an event that seems too much of an effort.
The leg hairs grow to be measurable.
Deodorant gets forgotten (don't pretend like that hasn't ever happened to you)

And then you still have to make lunch.....

Afternoons seem to go much slower with bickering children. And suddenly you become one of the bickering children only 20+ years older and much heavier with a louder voice and stronger muscles and bigger stomping sounds.

Man it's 1 p.m. and I haven't done anything today.

Disclaimer: This may or may not have all happened this morning. Events listed may have happened during other restless mornings. :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Confessions of an Accidental Vegetarian

Well, technically I'm not a vegetarian .. I'm a "Pollo-Pescaterian" .. and no that has nothing to do with any sort of religious affiliation. Just means I don't eat any meat except seafood and, occasionally, chicken.

I never set out to become a vegetarian. I have no issues, be it political or emotional, about people consuming meat products. It just kind of happened, because of my dietary restrictions.

I'm also a big texture person. If something has a weird or fleshy texture .... BLECH!!! It makes me gag.

But now that I'm here and I have a title for my eating habits, I am enjoying researching all the possibilities in which this entails! I have mentioned in another post that I have many vegan and vegetarian friends. Some, like me, just decided to eat the way they wanted and don't have really any other motive.

I'm not a member of PETA and I won't send them to your door if you eat a steak! :) I haven't really had moose or caribou, which are big in Alaska. I'm not opposed to trying it either. I figure the less it's processed, the better it will be.

However, now that I'm actually listening and paying attention to what food does to my body, I have found myself with a new title with my eating. And it's interesting.

It has been over a month since I have been super strict about my dietary needs. And, though, only today have I seen the weight loss benefits from that, I started seeing other things within a week. I wasn't as bloated, my stomach wasn't hurting, my headaches had dwindled, my body felt better, my acne was clearing, my hair wasn't as brittle. One would think this way of eating would be a no brainer with all those positive things.

But, let's be honest, not being able to have yogurt, ice cream, a candy bar, a grilled cheese sandwich, and various other comfort foods that are yummy once in a while, just plain downright sucks sometimes. Especially when I really really really want something sweet and I have to settle for a banana! That's crap!

But, if I am feeling better, then it's an easy decision. There have been many moments in the past month that I have just thought to myself, "Oh one won't hurt." Not true.

I know that with one simple bite of cheddar cheese that I will wake up the next morning with the extension of the Rocky Mountains forming on my face. I know that with one slice of pizza I will feel and look nearly 14 months pregnant for a week. I also know that for one intangible split moment of satisfaction from a bite of a chocolate bar I will pay for it with a splitting headache.

I'm a vegetarian .. I mean Pollo-pescetarian by accident. But it is what it is. We all have to eat the ways our bodies are telling us to. God designed us all differently.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pin It and Forget It

Have you ever heard the "set it and forget it" phrase with the rotisserie oven?? Well That logic today is applying to my experience with Pinterest. I "pin it and forget it."

I haven't been on Pinterest in I don't know how long, but I do know that today when I went on there .. just minutes ago .. I sought out to search for "office organization," only right then did I realize I have a whole entire board dedicated to organization. Go figure.

But what is this habit of putting things on Pinterest and then forgetting about them?? There are AWESOME ideas on there. Many things that are cheap, easy, DIY things, fun things for kids. I see all sorts of statements on Facebook about people saying "I like Pinterest, it makes me feel productive."

Hahahaha it's funny to me, because that's how I feel after an hour or more of getting sucked into the world of pinning. I leave my computer feeling that satisfaction that I've just completed something, even though the moment I step away from the computer I see that I've really only completed a whole bunch of nothing.

I think Pinterest is awesome for encouraging new decor, changing up the routine for playing with the kids. Maybe even suggesting things for savings, exercise, healthy eating that we hadn't thought of before. But what's funny to me is that Pinterest lives and real lives are not mirror images. :)

I'm a much craftier, healthier, more active, completely organized with awesome hobbies, better parent on Pinterest. :) My house on Pinterest is decorated with beautiful linens, furniture, nick-knacks. I have the biggest most functional and cleanest kitchen. My kids rooms are bright, clean, and fun. My yard is one that is designed to entertain. :)

It's AWESOME! :)

Not saying my real life isn't awesome, but I pin it and forget it. It gives me a bit of thrill to climb back into this world of pin boards and images. I wonder if a psychologist has ever picked apart someone's Pinterest board. I could only imagine what they might say about my want for a Range Rover and a 50,000 sq ft home. Not really!!! I don't really want the house, the car yes, the house, not so much.

So as I depart from my pointless blog post to pin more things I'll forget about in my fake world (this sounds a lot like those video games, but for stay at home moms), I will be organizing my office on Pinterest. :)

Peace out!