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Monday, May 14, 2012

Forgot Deodorant

Ever have one of those rough nights where your kid won't sleep? Which makes it so you don't sleep. But you need sleep, because the next day beckons your attention. And we all know what happens when Mom doesn't have full attention.

Cereal gets "shared" with the dog.
Toilets gets "plunged."
Dishes get "done."
Breakfast gets "made."
Kids get dressed inside out and backward.
Speed limits become a suggestion.
Mom's hair looks like a bad hair day for Steven Tyler.
Laundry piles up.
Floors don't get swept.
Mail doesn't get sorted ... just thrown away .. only to realize you likely threw away a check that could've been cashed.
Beds don't get made.
TV becomes a babysitter for about the 3.75 minutes of quiet time. Only to wake up in a panic and wonder where the 3 y/o that MUST be supervised at all times has quietly found something entertaining to do with finger nail polish......
Bathing becomes an event that seems too much of an effort.
The leg hairs grow to be measurable.
Deodorant gets forgotten (don't pretend like that hasn't ever happened to you)

And then you still have to make lunch.....

Afternoons seem to go much slower with bickering children. And suddenly you become one of the bickering children only 20+ years older and much heavier with a louder voice and stronger muscles and bigger stomping sounds.

Man it's 1 p.m. and I haven't done anything today.

Disclaimer: This may or may not have all happened this morning. Events listed may have happened during other restless mornings. :)

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