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Friday, April 29, 2011

Run Like the Wind

Well I must admit that I've not been too diligent in my blogging because there are a lot of things going on my head, none of which are related to one another. However, I am super excited about my first real race tomorrow. I am still undecided about whether I'll do the full 5K or just do the easy flat 3K. The 5K doesn't seem to intimidating until you look at the hill involved with the third mile on this route. However, I may just do it to prove to myself I can. Who knows?!?!
At any rate, I'm also very nervous. I've never been a runner .. ever  .. in my whole life, except for the 90 ft between bases or when someone or something is chasing me. =) I remember failing miserably in 9th grade during our endurance test, which was 9 or something laps around the track. I remember watching a classmate just push through and run every single lap. I remember getting finished in 45 minutes versus the 20 minutes it took the rest of the class (except for a couple girls that did the walking with me). I wasn't overly over weight yet at that age, but I just didn't care for running. And then because I finished in such a crappy time, I got 4 extra laps from the PE teacher as punishment for doing things so slowly. That's logical, right??
The reason I enjoy running now is because it's a great mind clearer. I have a lot going on. With all the hats I wear on a daily basis I can get pretty bogged down mentally, and running seems to be the only way to clear my head pretty quickly. I love to run fast. And the faster I run the quicker I get my distance covered. Fast for me though, it actually quite slow for seasoned runners. Running brings me closer to the sounds and motions and functions of all the muscles in my body. Just when I think my muscles can't bounce another step, they do.
Every time I run my 2ish mile route in my neighborhood (with the dreadful hill) I round the last corner toward my house and pull out every ounce of energy I have left.
I think that as time goes on and I prepare for other races, I'm hoping to add the diligent eating habits that typically accompany a healthy exercising lifestyle. :) That training starts next Monday. However, I'm looking to get through tomorrow. If I do the 3K, I'd like to finish in 20 or so minutes. If I do the 5K I'd like to finish in under 40 minutes. You might say .. "Why are you adding 20 minutes for an extra 1.3ish miles?" Well my fellow reader, I've been told .. that last mile on your first 5k .. is tough! LOL .. I'm shooting for the moon here, hoping to land among the stars. LOL Cheesy I know. 
Anyways, enough rambling!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Journey with Jesus

So, I've been thinking, praying, thinking some more, and then praying a lot. I don't really recall a time in my life when I've been so convicted with prayer and asking for mercies, or actually thanking Jesus for the many many blessings in my life. I, quite honestly, would do the "Thank you God for ...... -Amen." There's nothing really wrong with that, but it wasn't so personal or meaningful. I mean I'm really thankful for all the blessings in my life, but the last few months, I've been truly and utterly thankful and have become completely aware of how the Lord is working in my life. Granted, I don't know everything that is planned for me, my family, or what the future holds. But I know this, I know that whatever our future brings, the Lord provides the means and the direction.

This isn't easy to say, but I'm not perfect in my following of Jesus. But the fact is I'm striving to follow Him, in all ways. And some things completely frighten me. However, I feel this sense of anxiousness if I don't do it. We all come to this point in our lives, if we do, at a different pace. I thought along time ago my journey would be rapid, because I was raised going to church, Sunday School, participating in youth group, etc. So I had a basic knowledge of Christ, Faith, Grace, Love, etc. But in reality, I never opened myself up to a true and meaningful relationship with Him.

This journey, though somewhat personal, has been an interesting one. I thought that when I felt the heart string tug from Jesus, that it would be so easy to answer, based on my past with Him. I love Jesus. I always have, but I think that I've always just kind of put Him to my side as a friend, instead of a partner and guide in my life.

I'm what you might call a Christian by practice. I do all the things that I should be doing and love doing, but I don't do them with the expression of the Christ. I love helping people, being there for my friends and family. I love attending church. I love listening to sermons that make me want to go out and be a better Christian, but the actual implementation of a Christ-like life gets me. For some reason praying with others or being an example for my children, friends or other family members gets me every time. I'm working on that.

I often think of a song we use to sing the early service at my childhood church entitled "As The Deer." It goes like this:

As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after thee
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee


You alone are my strength my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee

You're my friend and You are my brother,
Even though you are a king.
I love you more than any other,
So much more than anything.

I want You more than gold or silver,
Only You can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy Giver,
And the apple of my eye.

So where is my relationship with Jesus going?? I have no idea, but I'm really excited to find out. Because the more I know Him, the better my life is!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

That's for the birds.

Wow! The past few days (weeks) have really tested my patience, diligence, temper, time management. Did I say patience? Oh that's right, I did. No biggie though, I've been repeating myself a lot, lately. So why not on my blog?! Are you following me? Let me tell you, this blog is likely to not have a point. Do any really??

As I sit her staring at the Today Show, a list is forming in my head of all the things I need to accomplish over the next 72 hours. Not including today. But the next 3 days are jam packed with a lot of stuff. I don't really know why I do this to myself. Suppose I like the excitement of unnecessary stress really!?! Who knows? But the point is, I do it. I do it often. And I think that overbooking and overextending myself is one thing I do with 100% perfection.

I find it difficult to have a calm, quiet, and well-planned schedule. Psh! That's for the birds. I mean what Christian mom, wife, business owner, friend, organizer, family member, life lover (I say this one with the hope that it will actually mean something today) wouldn't want a less stress calendar of events. You know, the one thing that would help this is if my son would just take his nap while I type this blog. Oh a maid would help too!

I feel stressed. Do you get that?? If not, I'll elaborate more. My husband called on his way home from work yesterday and I prepared him for the house when he got here. I said, and I quote, "Don't say one thing about the condition of the house when you walk in the door." Okay, so maybe that was more of a warning that I'm not in the mood for his funny remarks about how I'm a stay-at-home-mom and that I should be on top of things. Yea, perhaps that was a warning, not a preparation. Why do I need to "prep" him for the condition?? It's not like I'm only a SAHM. I am an errand girl, chauffeur, bank, waitress, diaper changer, toy picker upper, laundry doer. Wait wait, I am a maid!! What was I thinking, I have a maid already! ME! Uh duh!

Not to mention the extreme cabin fever that is resonating in this house with not just my kids, but ME! Oh wow, what I would do for a bright sunny DRY day outside with my kids. WHY WON'T HE GO TO SLEEP!?!??! I just can't figure out this naptime stuff. Ya know, as an adult I would love to take a nap daily! If only.....

I think that I feel better now. I am a bit stressed. With everything in me, I was/am seeking some patience today. I'm running a little short! So I seek out a Bible verse.

Psalm 55:22 NIV: Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.  

Alright, so here's my cares! Sure hope and pray that I'm sustained today. And that MASON GOES TO SLEEP!!!

Peace. =)