I went to the dentist Monday for my bi-annual cleaning and like always they clean, scrape, lecture, poke, prod and send you home wishing you had never arrived. Ha Ha Ha!
Well this is probably one appointment I went that I am very glad I did. One of the things my dentist checks for is bone loss in the teeth, gums area. And while the older we get the more likely it will happen, it's just wise to keep tabs on how our teeth, gums, bones, etc. in our mouth are doing.
This was the yearly check for my bone loss, and because I've had a hysterectomy, my hormones aren't produced by my body, which leads to a whole different set of issues I didn't ever think I'd be dealing with at my ripe old age of 30. Yeah .. OLD! The hygienist told me I needed to start taking a calcium supplement because I have measurable bone loss from last year. A concern.
Fine. No big deal. What's ONE MORE freaking supplement I have to take. Right!?!? At the rate I'm going, I'm going to need a pill divider to make sure I'm taking everything I need just to ensure I live to ripe old 40.
Anyway, I digress. I go to Wal Mart today to get said calcium. Did you know there are like 50 different kinds??? Yeah, me either! I was confused. I was staring at all of the calcium supplements thinking, "Which one is the right one?" I probably should've asked my doctor first.
This nice little old lady could see my perplexed behavior and so kindly said, "Are you looking for a calcium supplement? This is the one I take cause of my arthritis." I couldn't believe my ears. I was getting vitamin counseling from an older lady that for sure had me beat by 30 or so years. Really! REALLY!?!?!
I then wandered over to the face wash aisle in an attempt to find something to combat my post-hysterectomy puberty I seem to be going through, and these nice guys were there looking at cologne. I said "I'm sorry, I don't mean to leave my cart in your way."
And do you know what one of them said to me!?!?! DO YOU FLIPPING KNOW!?!?!??!?!
"Oh, it's no problem MA'AM."
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!?!?!?! First I get vitamin advice from someone 30ish years older than me on arthritis and then a guy .. who couldn't be much younger than me calls me "MA'AM" !!!!!!!
I know the two things separate would probably not be of any consequence to me. But it seriously made me feel like I was edging on death's door with a cane, droopy boobs, and a hunch in my back! Say what!?!?
I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and figure out how to combat this aging process!
P.S.> I'm going to hire someone to purchase my calcium supplements from now on.
I am an addict of blogs. I love reading and, when I remember, writing blog posts. I love comments, concerns, and ideas. I love to gain knowledge and insight from others. And learn new tricks to the mothering trade.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Girls and Boys
I find it funny the things kids say when they realize the differences between boys and girls.
Kara was 3 years 3 months old when Mason was born. She immediately noticed his private parts were different. The conversation that took place was one for the funny book of things kids say.
K: "Mommy, when does he eat it?"
Me: "Eat what?"
K: "His wiener. Cause I ate mine and that's why I don't have one."
Me: trying to compose myself and figure out this concept "He doesn't ever "eat" it, honey, this is what makes him a boy."
K: "I don't believe you."
End of conversation.
She is a very observant kids. Very visual in all aspects of her life. Mimics behaviors she sees. Tries to recreate situations, things learned, even attempts to show us the things that happened. Very visual. It wasn't a surprise to me that my very observant 3 y/o daughter noticed the difference between she and her new baby brother.
What I didn't know, is that age 3 is the normal age for noticing the differences. A conversation took place like this with my son, just a couple days ago.
M: "Mom, daddy have a wiener?"
Me: "Yes, daddy has a wiener."
M: "Mommy have a wiener?"
Me: "No, mommy doesn't have a wiener."
M: in complete shock with a deep breath of dismay "Lemme see."
Me: "No, you don't need to see."
I don't think he thinks that I "ate my wiener" to be a girl, but it's soooooo funny to me how kids start to realize there are differences.
Did your kids do funny things when they realized there were differences? What did you do to explain it? What was their responses when they were old about the differences?
Kara was 3 years 3 months old when Mason was born. She immediately noticed his private parts were different. The conversation that took place was one for the funny book of things kids say.
K: "Mommy, when does he eat it?"
Me: "Eat what?"
K: "His wiener. Cause I ate mine and that's why I don't have one."
Me: trying to compose myself and figure out this concept "He doesn't ever "eat" it, honey, this is what makes him a boy."
K: "I don't believe you."
End of conversation.
She is a very observant kids. Very visual in all aspects of her life. Mimics behaviors she sees. Tries to recreate situations, things learned, even attempts to show us the things that happened. Very visual. It wasn't a surprise to me that my very observant 3 y/o daughter noticed the difference between she and her new baby brother.
What I didn't know, is that age 3 is the normal age for noticing the differences. A conversation took place like this with my son, just a couple days ago.
M: "Mom, daddy have a wiener?"
Me: "Yes, daddy has a wiener."
M: "Mommy have a wiener?"
Me: "No, mommy doesn't have a wiener."
M: in complete shock with a deep breath of dismay "Lemme see."
Me: "No, you don't need to see."
I don't think he thinks that I "ate my wiener" to be a girl, but it's soooooo funny to me how kids start to realize there are differences.
Did your kids do funny things when they realized there were differences? What did you do to explain it? What was their responses when they were old about the differences?
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Grace and Ease
When one becomes a mom we somehow inherit these traits to deal with almost any catastrophe with grace and ease. Right? Like when one child hits, we redirect and discipline. Or when one child falls down, we pick them up and fix the booboo. Or when one child gets sick, we suddenly become an outstanding nurse. Or when one child refuses to eat veggies, we find creative ways to hide the healthy buggers in their food. Or when one child won't help clean up, we magically can make it a game and all the items get put away. Or like when on child whom you are potty training picks his poop out of the toilet.......
Friday, February 24, 2012
Simple Play
I have been on a kick lately about how to be a better mom. I think I'm a fine mom, but less active with my kids than I probably could be. As a trained educator, I know the importance of interaction with our kids in correlation with performance in school. Reading, homework, behavior management, even chores. All of this effects how a child will perform in the classroom. How he or she reacts to problems with peers. How he or she talks to teachers and other adults in the school. It's all related.
What I forget to remember is that playing with my kids is just as important as designing a well-structured environment. That teaches boundaries, respect, and responsibility. I'm sure I'm not the only one that forgets that play is important. But I can't help but feel that way when I'm dealing with my 2 (soon-to-be 3) year old son.
Before I decided to write this blog I read and read and read about the importance of play. I have books, read Internet sources, had conversations with other moms. I've done my research and yet I still struggle with playing with my kids. Why??
Play seems so simple. It's getting down on my knees and driving cars through an alien planet, flying fairies to far away lands, shopping with Barbie, building towers of safety only to be destroyed by a hairless monster. This seems like so much fun! Right?
I will play and while in the midst of the play I think about all the things I need to get done. Cleaning, laundry, meals, beds, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, toilets, tubs, sinks, the list can go on. But I know that even if I weren't playing with my kids, I know I wouldn't be doing most of that list. But that "list" clutters my mind preventing me from enjoying the short amount of time I have with my kids while they are small and actually WANT to play with me!
I wanted to provide you some reading material online linked Here, Here, and Here.
The one thing I noticed about the first two links is that playing with our kids directly affects the self-esteem. In a society where self-esteem is based upon what you have, who you know, and how you appear, we can't just stand by as parents and allow those negative influences affect our children's self-view. We instill, through play, the self-esteem that comes from positive interaction with parents. Daughters and dads, Moms and sons. These relationships are crucial to development of self-worth, -respect, and -esteem.
I, sadly, witnessed an exchange this morning between a mother and a daughter. The daughter asked the mom if she would walk her to class. This little girl was clearly reaching out to her mom. Her mom said no. When the daughter, understandably, asked why, the mom simply and heartlessly (IMO) said "Because I don't want to."
The very one thing we should never say or hint to to our kids is that "we don't want to" do anything with them. Children find their worth in our ability to prioritize them. If you remember the times when you were growing up that you felt as if your parents didn't care, it usually revolves around the simplest of activities and interactions. The big things were forgettable. But it was those moments that you needed that simple understanding, that simple card game, that simple walk in the neighborhood.
I really struggle with the small things with my kids. I know that is what they are looking for and holding on to when they are developing their self-worth, but why is it so hard for me to remember?
Do you struggle with playing with your kids?
What I forget to remember is that playing with my kids is just as important as designing a well-structured environment. That teaches boundaries, respect, and responsibility. I'm sure I'm not the only one that forgets that play is important. But I can't help but feel that way when I'm dealing with my 2 (soon-to-be 3) year old son.
Before I decided to write this blog I read and read and read about the importance of play. I have books, read Internet sources, had conversations with other moms. I've done my research and yet I still struggle with playing with my kids. Why??
Play seems so simple. It's getting down on my knees and driving cars through an alien planet, flying fairies to far away lands, shopping with Barbie, building towers of safety only to be destroyed by a hairless monster. This seems like so much fun! Right?
I will play and while in the midst of the play I think about all the things I need to get done. Cleaning, laundry, meals, beds, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, toilets, tubs, sinks, the list can go on. But I know that even if I weren't playing with my kids, I know I wouldn't be doing most of that list. But that "list" clutters my mind preventing me from enjoying the short amount of time I have with my kids while they are small and actually WANT to play with me!
I wanted to provide you some reading material online linked Here, Here, and Here.
The one thing I noticed about the first two links is that playing with our kids directly affects the self-esteem. In a society where self-esteem is based upon what you have, who you know, and how you appear, we can't just stand by as parents and allow those negative influences affect our children's self-view. We instill, through play, the self-esteem that comes from positive interaction with parents. Daughters and dads, Moms and sons. These relationships are crucial to development of self-worth, -respect, and -esteem.
I, sadly, witnessed an exchange this morning between a mother and a daughter. The daughter asked the mom if she would walk her to class. This little girl was clearly reaching out to her mom. Her mom said no. When the daughter, understandably, asked why, the mom simply and heartlessly (IMO) said "Because I don't want to."
The very one thing we should never say or hint to to our kids is that "we don't want to" do anything with them. Children find their worth in our ability to prioritize them. If you remember the times when you were growing up that you felt as if your parents didn't care, it usually revolves around the simplest of activities and interactions. The big things were forgettable. But it was those moments that you needed that simple understanding, that simple card game, that simple walk in the neighborhood.
I really struggle with the small things with my kids. I know that is what they are looking for and holding on to when they are developing their self-worth, but why is it so hard for me to remember?
Do you struggle with playing with your kids?
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Marriage and Complaining
This is going to be a very blunt (annoyance based) post. Beware of the content to follow. It may make you mad, sad, annoyed or frustrated. Don't read it if you don't want to be called out? So, let's have a chat, shall we?!?!
I am so flippin sick and tired of wives (and some husbands) complaining about their spouses!! Wow that felt good!!
Now that that's out of the way, let me babble a bit. There is a bit of a difference in expressing frustration with a situation and airing out your wedded dirty laundry list of complaints about your spouse. For heaven's sake, you picked this person, flaws and all, to spend the rest of your life with.
What ever happened to marital intimacy and privacy??? Not everyone needs to know the ins and outs of your relationship! For a few reasons:
1) It's not fair to your spouse if you complaining nonstop about his or her behaviors, demeanor, job, friends (or lack of), talents (or lack of), driving, etc. This list could go on. Complaining about it all the time only causes friction between you, your spouse, and anyone that he or she will interact with that you have complained to. When you put out there those complaints, people will, unfortunately, have a preconceived notion about your spouse when meeting or hanging out with him. Assuming his behaviors are fake or what have you. So stop!
2) When you enter into holy matrimony, that relationship is owned by the two of you. You are a pair! If you were going to couples counseling, you would go together, right? So when you are complaining complaining complaining, all you are doing is bashing YOUR relationship. It's not really a good habit to get into.
3) You are violating the confidence the other person has put in you by taking you as his wife or her husband. Just don't do it. How would you feel if your spouse was doing nothing but complaining about you to his or her friends constantly, without you there to even attempt to defend yourself? You would be hurt, feel betrayed, and understandably disappointed that the vows of intimacy and privacy weren't kept.
Marriage isn't a toy that you can throw away when times get tough or when it breaks or needs new batteries. Marriage is something so private, so intimate, so delicate between two people in love. It's the one core relationship that God elevates above any other on this earth. He created it. Bonded it. Encourages it. The relationship between the two people involved in the marriage is deep.
It really saddens me when I see post after post on Facebook demeaning one's spouse. It breaks my heart when all we hear about on the news is one marriage after another ending. A 49% divorce rate in this country is not something to be proud of. And we tout it like is some sort of trophy! It's unacceptable. It's sick.
When I married Aaron I made a promise to him. To uphold him above any other, to love, cherish, obey (interesting) him in all circumstances. Through sickness and health, for richer or poorer (boy we've been there) until death. I have NO INTEREST in exposing the deep dark parts of our relationship to anyone, but to God and, if ever necessary, a marital therapist. The things that happen between he and I are private. He would feel so violated if I ever told anyone the "bad things" about him. Or complained about him as some complain about their spouses.
My heart would be so broken if he complained day in and day out about me. It would feel like he didn't value me as his wife, partner in life, mother to his children. Our marriage is private. Our marriage is OURS.
Society has made it seem so "normal" to just put out there the wrongs in our lives. To air it out. It's "normal" they say. Marriage is not normal. Marriage is an oddity that we choose to enter into. It's a relationship that has intimacy beyond the knowledge of humankind. When you "carefully" choose the partner of whom you want to spend your life with, you enter into this matrimonial covenant that involves you, your spouse and our Lord.
God didn't create marriage as some sort of ploy. He created it with the idea of us partnering, becoming one, going through our life together in hopes of building, creating and becoming the people he created us to be. God's oneness with matrimony doesn't end when the lights go out after the wedding or the reception. He blesses it. He strengthens it. He encourages communication and team building. Marriage isn't about what our spouse can do for us. Marriage is about what we can do for our spouses.
Airing out your dirty laundry to whoever will listen violates your commitment to your spouse and your commitment to do everything you can in this life to love and honor him or her.
My plea to you is that you think about what you say about your spouse. Once it's out there, you can't take it back. No matter how hard you try. Once your words are spoken, that's it. Your spouse is your partner in this life. Complaining about them only complicates and depletes the intimacy of your marriage.
"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."
Ephesians 5:33
We are called to love our spouses as we love ourselves and to respect. Don't get caught up in arms when you're complaining causes issue. Remember that we are called to love and to respect.
I am so flippin sick and tired of wives (and some husbands) complaining about their spouses!! Wow that felt good!!
Now that that's out of the way, let me babble a bit. There is a bit of a difference in expressing frustration with a situation and airing out your wedded dirty laundry list of complaints about your spouse. For heaven's sake, you picked this person, flaws and all, to spend the rest of your life with.
What ever happened to marital intimacy and privacy??? Not everyone needs to know the ins and outs of your relationship! For a few reasons:
1) It's not fair to your spouse if you complaining nonstop about his or her behaviors, demeanor, job, friends (or lack of), talents (or lack of), driving, etc. This list could go on. Complaining about it all the time only causes friction between you, your spouse, and anyone that he or she will interact with that you have complained to. When you put out there those complaints, people will, unfortunately, have a preconceived notion about your spouse when meeting or hanging out with him. Assuming his behaviors are fake or what have you. So stop!
2) When you enter into holy matrimony, that relationship is owned by the two of you. You are a pair! If you were going to couples counseling, you would go together, right? So when you are complaining complaining complaining, all you are doing is bashing YOUR relationship. It's not really a good habit to get into.
3) You are violating the confidence the other person has put in you by taking you as his wife or her husband. Just don't do it. How would you feel if your spouse was doing nothing but complaining about you to his or her friends constantly, without you there to even attempt to defend yourself? You would be hurt, feel betrayed, and understandably disappointed that the vows of intimacy and privacy weren't kept.
Marriage isn't a toy that you can throw away when times get tough or when it breaks or needs new batteries. Marriage is something so private, so intimate, so delicate between two people in love. It's the one core relationship that God elevates above any other on this earth. He created it. Bonded it. Encourages it. The relationship between the two people involved in the marriage is deep.
It really saddens me when I see post after post on Facebook demeaning one's spouse. It breaks my heart when all we hear about on the news is one marriage after another ending. A 49% divorce rate in this country is not something to be proud of. And we tout it like is some sort of trophy! It's unacceptable. It's sick.
When I married Aaron I made a promise to him. To uphold him above any other, to love, cherish, obey (interesting) him in all circumstances. Through sickness and health, for richer or poorer (boy we've been there) until death. I have NO INTEREST in exposing the deep dark parts of our relationship to anyone, but to God and, if ever necessary, a marital therapist. The things that happen between he and I are private. He would feel so violated if I ever told anyone the "bad things" about him. Or complained about him as some complain about their spouses.
My heart would be so broken if he complained day in and day out about me. It would feel like he didn't value me as his wife, partner in life, mother to his children. Our marriage is private. Our marriage is OURS.
Society has made it seem so "normal" to just put out there the wrongs in our lives. To air it out. It's "normal" they say. Marriage is not normal. Marriage is an oddity that we choose to enter into. It's a relationship that has intimacy beyond the knowledge of humankind. When you "carefully" choose the partner of whom you want to spend your life with, you enter into this matrimonial covenant that involves you, your spouse and our Lord.
God didn't create marriage as some sort of ploy. He created it with the idea of us partnering, becoming one, going through our life together in hopes of building, creating and becoming the people he created us to be. God's oneness with matrimony doesn't end when the lights go out after the wedding or the reception. He blesses it. He strengthens it. He encourages communication and team building. Marriage isn't about what our spouse can do for us. Marriage is about what we can do for our spouses.
Airing out your dirty laundry to whoever will listen violates your commitment to your spouse and your commitment to do everything you can in this life to love and honor him or her.
My plea to you is that you think about what you say about your spouse. Once it's out there, you can't take it back. No matter how hard you try. Once your words are spoken, that's it. Your spouse is your partner in this life. Complaining about them only complicates and depletes the intimacy of your marriage.
"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."
Ephesians 5:33
We are called to love our spouses as we love ourselves and to respect. Don't get caught up in arms when you're complaining causes issue. Remember that we are called to love and to respect.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Yay for Organization!
There is nothing better to work in than an organized space. I love organization and wish I had more time and more money to organize my whole house exactly how I like it. Who am I kidding??? I have plenty of time, just not enough money! So we have to do things in spurts. :) No worries though, it gets done.
Recently, we reorganized and put in a closet system in Kara's room. That blog post will come at a different time, because I'm FINALLY almost finished redecorating her room after painting it pink and dark pink a yearish ago. At any rate, when we moved my office stuff into the kitchen sitting area (some call it a dining room) I knew that I needed to organize all my belongings andhide store it all in storage.
Finally weagreed on picked the storage style that would work best. With some discussion as to how it would be done. I wanted it one way, Dear Hubby a different way. It took some time, but finally he saw it my way! :)
As you can plainly see my "method" of organization was just not working. It was always a mess and there was no place for anything. I just kind of "stuck" things where they would fit. Literally! It was hard to work, type, organize crafts, keep the kids out of things, "hide" the mess when there was company. Though I am quite confident that my friends never judged me! :)
I did NOT like this area very much! It drove me bonkers and DH even crazier!
The new ORGANIZED space is bound to increase my creativity with my hobbies I love! And also allow me some room to grow with them. Pretend you see awesome colorful storage in those cubes! :)
What have you done to increase your productivity or create a more organized space?
Recently, we reorganized and put in a closet system in Kara's room. That blog post will come at a different time, because I'm FINALLY almost finished redecorating her room after painting it pink and dark pink a yearish ago. At any rate, when we moved my office stuff into the kitchen sitting area (some call it a dining room) I knew that I needed to organize all my belongings and
Finally we
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Pretty much how it has looked for almost a year. Yep! |
I did NOT like this area very much! It drove me bonkers and DH even crazier!
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TADA!!!! It looks and feels so much better!!! YAY |
What have you done to increase your productivity or create a more organized space?
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Kallas Family Theater
I woke up this morning not feeling so hot. To be quite honest, I felt like I was hit by a truck, tractor, then train. Yes, in that order. When I start my days like this, it's often very hard for me to feel motivated to entertain my kids, plan meals, crafts, activities, clean, or anything rather. It is also Sunday, and since Kara wanted her hair curly for church, I couldn't not take her to church.
So I downed some cold meds, and off to Sunday School we went. Wow that was fun! At one point, I realized I was dazed and slightly confused in the conversation and decided I really needed to focus hardcore on what was being said so that my cold-med influenced input made some sense.
At any rate, Sunday School and then church service. And at some point during the transition I promised Kara a fun and themed movie night. Note to self: When taking cold meds, stay in bed.
Our day proceeded and the movie night ensued. It got fun and I even got into the hype. But there is nothing better then watching my kids get excited about attending a movie showing at the Kallas Theatre.
The show was "Thumbelina." After sitting through the movie I realized why I didn't like it as a kid when my sister would watch it over and over again! It's boring, trippy, and has way too much skin. I mean seriously, what frog has a chest like the one in this movie! But Kara liked it. Speaking of Kara....
She was our ticket taker! :) She had fun pretending we were at a movie theater. Btw, this showing of "Thumbelina" was apparel restricted. We had to wear pjs!
We were issued tickets for the movie and popcorn. It was important that we had those in order to have proper accounting of attendance! :)
Little Brudder gave Big Sisser his tickets for his seat and popcorn! :) I love these kids!!!
The lovely theater employee!
I guess the logic behind this post is that even when I'm feeling pretty crummy, it really doesn't take much to make your kids feel special or to spend time with them. The excitement and specialness they feel when creating an "event" like a Movie Night with special tickets and popcorn is amazing to watch!
So I downed some cold meds, and off to Sunday School we went. Wow that was fun! At one point, I realized I was dazed and slightly confused in the conversation and decided I really needed to focus hardcore on what was being said so that my cold-med influenced input made some sense.
At any rate, Sunday School and then church service. And at some point during the transition I promised Kara a fun and themed movie night. Note to self: When taking cold meds, stay in bed.
Our day proceeded and the movie night ensued. It got fun and I even got into the hype. But there is nothing better then watching my kids get excited about attending a movie showing at the Kallas Theatre.
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Kallas Theatre 7:30 p.m. showing of "Thumbelina" =) |
She was our ticket taker! :) She had fun pretending we were at a movie theater. Btw, this showing of "Thumbelina" was apparel restricted. We had to wear pjs!
We were issued tickets for the movie and popcorn. It was important that we had those in order to have proper accounting of attendance! :)
Little Brudder gave Big Sisser his tickets for his seat and popcorn! :) I love these kids!!!
The lovely theater employee!
I guess the logic behind this post is that even when I'm feeling pretty crummy, it really doesn't take much to make your kids feel special or to spend time with them. The excitement and specialness they feel when creating an "event" like a Movie Night with special tickets and popcorn is amazing to watch!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Glass Floor of Faith
Today, I read a blog post about a woman's experience with Post-Partum Depression. While most men and some women do not understand this sudden mental state, I have known many women who have suffered from it. It can be debilitating, distracting, and devastating in some unfortunate circumstances. PPD is overwhelmingly engrossing. It becomes your entire being.
I have not experienced this particular form of depression following the birth of my kids. But I did experience a pretty dark depression post-hysterectomy.
If you know me at all, you know I tend to find and focus on the light jokes in a situation. In December 2010, I was faced with a life-changing event. One that altered my perfect and planned course. My hysterectomy (at 29 years old) devastated my being. I lost track of everything that was right.
I have never made this public because I didn't want the pity that comes with exposing such an event and mental state in one's life. It makes me feel weird when people say things like "I'm sorry." Or "It'll get better." Or "If you need anything, let me know."
Losing my ability to bring new life to this world caused a whole slew of terrible thoughts and feelings of despair. It wasn't that I wasn't appreciating the two beautiful and healthy children I have. It wasn't that I didn't understand the medical necessity for the hysterectomy. I didn't even argue with my doctor when he explained my options. I did my research. I understood what was coming. I was sick, my body making my life miserable. I needed to be fixed. I was completely unprepared for the mental state that this would create.
After reading the blog today about one person's journey to "being better," it got me thinking about where I was a year ago. Down in the dumps depressed. But I hid it well, I think.
Life is sometimes crappy. Downright just plain ol' sucks. In the midst of my downright sucky time, one thing found me. One Light helped drag me out of my depths of despair and that was and will always be my Jesus.
I know you think you know where I've been. But no one, but Jesus knows what was going on inside my broken and devastated heart, soul, and mind. When life sucks, when it seems like everything you dreamed of, planned for, expected has gone overboard. When you really just feel like you are on the edge and you have only one of two choices and that's to step off in faith of Jesus or turn back and live in the despair, there might be a glass floor you just don't see.
Our paths are not always visible. The reasons for our lives sometimes are never exposed. And those glass floors of faith are not always scary to walk on. The times we need Jesus the most; those moments when we just can't understand where our lives are going; the instant we need to be picked up and carried, that is when we need to have faith to step onto that glass flooring of faith.
It seems so cliche to write this, but Jesus saved my life. He saved my marriage. He saved me!
I have not experienced this particular form of depression following the birth of my kids. But I did experience a pretty dark depression post-hysterectomy.
If you know me at all, you know I tend to find and focus on the light jokes in a situation. In December 2010, I was faced with a life-changing event. One that altered my perfect and planned course. My hysterectomy (at 29 years old) devastated my being. I lost track of everything that was right.
I have never made this public because I didn't want the pity that comes with exposing such an event and mental state in one's life. It makes me feel weird when people say things like "I'm sorry." Or "It'll get better." Or "If you need anything, let me know."
Losing my ability to bring new life to this world caused a whole slew of terrible thoughts and feelings of despair. It wasn't that I wasn't appreciating the two beautiful and healthy children I have. It wasn't that I didn't understand the medical necessity for the hysterectomy. I didn't even argue with my doctor when he explained my options. I did my research. I understood what was coming. I was sick, my body making my life miserable. I needed to be fixed. I was completely unprepared for the mental state that this would create.
After reading the blog today about one person's journey to "being better," it got me thinking about where I was a year ago. Down in the dumps depressed. But I hid it well, I think.
Life is sometimes crappy. Downright just plain ol' sucks. In the midst of my downright sucky time, one thing found me. One Light helped drag me out of my depths of despair and that was and will always be my Jesus.
I know you think you know where I've been. But no one, but Jesus knows what was going on inside my broken and devastated heart, soul, and mind. When life sucks, when it seems like everything you dreamed of, planned for, expected has gone overboard. When you really just feel like you are on the edge and you have only one of two choices and that's to step off in faith of Jesus or turn back and live in the despair, there might be a glass floor you just don't see.
Our paths are not always visible. The reasons for our lives sometimes are never exposed. And those glass floors of faith are not always scary to walk on. The times we need Jesus the most; those moments when we just can't understand where our lives are going; the instant we need to be picked up and carried, that is when we need to have faith to step onto that glass flooring of faith.
It seems so cliche to write this, but Jesus saved my life. He saved my marriage. He saved me!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentime's Day
So this morning, I woke up very excited about having displayed my kids Valentime's (Kara's word) gifts on the table for them. I was going to make heart shaped pancakes and homemade strawberry syrup (cause it's red), take a ton of pictures and post them for my blog post today.
The morning started out alright. Even go up and dressed on time. But shortly after setting foot on my main floor of my house, things went downhill.
What is it about the morning rush for school that throws a smooth start into a state of chaos!?!?! (and mood swings) I don't know!!! And as I was about to unlease my quickly soured Valentine mood onto the world, my beautiful six-year-old daughter slapped me with the reality stick and said,
"Mom, it's Valentime's Day. We should be loving."
Let me tell you how much that slap hurt right across my face! I took a deep breath and realized that things were going to be slightly different than the grandeose image I had in my head. Sure we'd still have heartish shaped pancakes with strawberry syrup, but the morning would flow WAY more differently than I expected.
I love my little beautiful and smart daughter. She knows exactly what to say and when to say it. And even though sometimes her words are wiser than her age, and sometimes they really tick me off, it's because she is showing her mom how to be patient and loving and kind even in the midst of my chaotic fairy tale.
My life is full of love. From friends to family! I appreciate this holiday because of the aspect of love. Sure we can complain and moan and groan about how this day reminds those who are single that they are, in fact, single. But why does that have to compromise they're ability to show love to other people in different ways? Valentine's Day isn't about being in a relationship or not. It's simply about love.
"Love one another."
When Kara told me we should be "loving" ... she was exactly right. She still got to school. They still got their gifts. We still had breakfast specially made. She is lovely. The epitome of love. The example of loving patience to a fault.
I hope all of you have a wonderful and happy Valentine's Day with all those you love!
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The one and only picture I have from today! :) But it's perfect. |
The morning started out alright. Even go up and dressed on time. But shortly after setting foot on my main floor of my house, things went downhill.
What is it about the morning rush for school that throws a smooth start into a state of chaos!?!?! (and mood swings) I don't know!!! And as I was about to unlease my quickly soured Valentine mood onto the world, my beautiful six-year-old daughter slapped me with the reality stick and said,
"Mom, it's Valentime's Day. We should be loving."
Let me tell you how much that slap hurt right across my face! I took a deep breath and realized that things were going to be slightly different than the grandeose image I had in my head. Sure we'd still have heartish shaped pancakes with strawberry syrup, but the morning would flow WAY more differently than I expected.
I love my little beautiful and smart daughter. She knows exactly what to say and when to say it. And even though sometimes her words are wiser than her age, and sometimes they really tick me off, it's because she is showing her mom how to be patient and loving and kind even in the midst of my chaotic fairy tale.
My life is full of love. From friends to family! I appreciate this holiday because of the aspect of love. Sure we can complain and moan and groan about how this day reminds those who are single that they are, in fact, single. But why does that have to compromise they're ability to show love to other people in different ways? Valentine's Day isn't about being in a relationship or not. It's simply about love.
"Love one another."
When Kara told me we should be "loving" ... she was exactly right. She still got to school. They still got their gifts. We still had breakfast specially made. She is lovely. The epitome of love. The example of loving patience to a fault.
I hope all of you have a wonderful and happy Valentine's Day with all those you love!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Dental Hygiene is OVERRATED!!
I haven't brushed my teeth today. Just wanted to put that out there. It's 10:30 p.m. and I haven't done it. I showered, put make up on, put on clean clothes, ate food and drank beverages today. Even realized as I was driving down the street this morning that I didn't brush my teeth when my coffee was tasting weird. But not flavor weird, like dirty mouth weird. And if you know me at all, this is a weird thing, because I'm only slightly obsessed with clean teeth.
So what do I do to alleviate the lack of brushing, pop some ice breakers. That'll freshen things right up!! HAHAHA!
Let me tell you .. when you don't sleep at all at night because your baby is sick and in pain, you feel accomplished by washing your hair because you rush to comfort her. You put aside dental hygiene to give her pain medication, take her to the doctor, make her comfortable. So yes, I haven't brushed my teeth yet. And sitting here typing it to you is making me feel only a little bit weird, cause I could easily have brushed my teeth instead of typing this to you.
Oh well.
Today, I kept K home from school because she has a pretty bad ear infection. Though not contagious, I still needed to take her to the doctor to get it checked out. Well, while we were on our way to the doctor I stopped at Target to pick up some IbProfen for her and I hit the 50% jackpot!! Oh boy did I!!!
If only I didn't have the kids with me, I would've gone BUCK WILD in Target! Trust me that is a sight to see!!! :)
I did score some awesome dusters for 50 cents. Yeah you read that right! These babies will provide me with perfect distractions when my kids are acting up or have idol hands! I'm all about child labor.
Seriously, WHO would refuse such a deal on these things?!?! Not me. I did get some other things, because they were 50% off!!! My husband would thank me if only he understood the savings aspect instead of the spending. HAHAHAHA!!
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL and LOVEABLE "Valentime's" Day tomorrow!!
So what do I do to alleviate the lack of brushing, pop some ice breakers. That'll freshen things right up!! HAHAHA!
Let me tell you .. when you don't sleep at all at night because your baby is sick and in pain, you feel accomplished by washing your hair because you rush to comfort her. You put aside dental hygiene to give her pain medication, take her to the doctor, make her comfortable. So yes, I haven't brushed my teeth yet. And sitting here typing it to you is making me feel only a little bit weird, cause I could easily have brushed my teeth instead of typing this to you.
Oh well.
Today, I kept K home from school because she has a pretty bad ear infection. Though not contagious, I still needed to take her to the doctor to get it checked out. Well, while we were on our way to the doctor I stopped at Target to pick up some IbProfen for her and I hit the 50% jackpot!! Oh boy did I!!!
If only I didn't have the kids with me, I would've gone BUCK WILD in Target! Trust me that is a sight to see!!! :)
I did score some awesome dusters for 50 cents. Yeah you read that right! These babies will provide me with perfect distractions when my kids are acting up or have idol hands! I'm all about child labor.
Seriously, WHO would refuse such a deal on these things?!?! Not me. I did get some other things, because they were 50% off!!! My husband would thank me if only he understood the savings aspect instead of the spending. HAHAHAHA!!
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL and LOVEABLE "Valentime's" Day tomorrow!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Just a Stay at Home Mom
Something really torked me off this week. I was reading someone's Facebook status about "choosing to work and not be a stay at home mom" and how SAHM's were badgering her about working instead of staying home. And there were several comments that, of course, supported this person's feelings about working instead of being home. One, though, that really ticked me off was that one person insinuated the boredom that she would have if she were a SAHM! Say what?!?!?!
That girl has got to be out of her mind if she thinks SAHMs are BORED!!!! Luckily, this person's FB status is not open to the public to comment on, or I would've given all those moms a comment full. Because I have an opinion on the matter.
Stay at home moms are not bored. If anything, it's quite the opposite. We long for moments of personal reflection, time to pee ALONE, a shower without interruption, a trip to the grocery store without a child in tow. I'm not saying that any of this is a bad thing, just that we do all of it usually without complaint. But being a stay at home mom does not create a lifestyle of leisure or boredom.
We learn to live on a smaller financial budget. We feed our kids throughout the day. We have to manage our time to fit in personal time. We are home when our kids are sick or need our emotional support.We clean throughout the day only to sit down at the end of the day with a messy house and dishes STILL in the flipping sink. Beds aren't always made, even when we do try to implement that rule. Kids still get hurt, sick, cry, fight, and put in timeout. Being a stay at home mom is not as "glamorous" as one might think.
However, being a stay at home mom does allow me to watch every moment of my children's development unfold. It does allow me to take in the world at a slower pace because I'm looking at it through my child's eyes for the first time. I get to see the rainbow for the first time all over again, or experience the rush of seeing wild animals or birds. Experience the fear of a spider, monsters in the closet, toy messes in their bedrooms all over again. I get to feel their dependence on me for emotional support. Be there to comfort them when they fall down, and applaud them when they try and when they succeed. I get to raise my children my way.
Now look, I'm not saying that working moms are terrible moms. I'm not saying that two-income families are bad. I'm not saying that at all. But when people say things like "I would go crazy if I were a stay at home mom." OR my favorite "I like the money that I am bringing home it provides my kids with a sense of security." IT DRIVES ME UP THE PROVERBIAL WALL!!!
I would love a dual income. In fact, most SAHMs I know do work while they stay home. They are writers, photographers, bloggers, data analysts, accountants, finance professionals. They sell things like Scentsy, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef in order to supplement their single income life. Don't look down on a mom because she is choosing to stay home instead of working to ensure that they excess spending money. My children do not go without because we live on a single income.
I am a stay at home mom and it has taken me a couple years to be proud of what I do at home. I don't need a working mom to add to my anxiety about my CHOICE to stay home. My life isn't posh or privileged. Next time you go to make a smug comment about how "easy it must be to stay home" think twice, because this is not an easy life. It's hard work, but so worth it!
That girl has got to be out of her mind if she thinks SAHMs are BORED!!!! Luckily, this person's FB status is not open to the public to comment on, or I would've given all those moms a comment full. Because I have an opinion on the matter.
Stay at home moms are not bored. If anything, it's quite the opposite. We long for moments of personal reflection, time to pee ALONE, a shower without interruption, a trip to the grocery store without a child in tow. I'm not saying that any of this is a bad thing, just that we do all of it usually without complaint. But being a stay at home mom does not create a lifestyle of leisure or boredom.
We learn to live on a smaller financial budget. We feed our kids throughout the day. We have to manage our time to fit in personal time. We are home when our kids are sick or need our emotional support.We clean throughout the day only to sit down at the end of the day with a messy house and dishes STILL in the flipping sink. Beds aren't always made, even when we do try to implement that rule. Kids still get hurt, sick, cry, fight, and put in timeout. Being a stay at home mom is not as "glamorous" as one might think.
However, being a stay at home mom does allow me to watch every moment of my children's development unfold. It does allow me to take in the world at a slower pace because I'm looking at it through my child's eyes for the first time. I get to see the rainbow for the first time all over again, or experience the rush of seeing wild animals or birds. Experience the fear of a spider, monsters in the closet, toy messes in their bedrooms all over again. I get to feel their dependence on me for emotional support. Be there to comfort them when they fall down, and applaud them when they try and when they succeed. I get to raise my children my way.
Now look, I'm not saying that working moms are terrible moms. I'm not saying that two-income families are bad. I'm not saying that at all. But when people say things like "I would go crazy if I were a stay at home mom." OR my favorite "I like the money that I am bringing home it provides my kids with a sense of security." IT DRIVES ME UP THE PROVERBIAL WALL!!!
I would love a dual income. In fact, most SAHMs I know do work while they stay home. They are writers, photographers, bloggers, data analysts, accountants, finance professionals. They sell things like Scentsy, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef in order to supplement their single income life. Don't look down on a mom because she is choosing to stay home instead of working to ensure that they excess spending money. My children do not go without because we live on a single income.
I am a stay at home mom and it has taken me a couple years to be proud of what I do at home. I don't need a working mom to add to my anxiety about my CHOICE to stay home. My life isn't posh or privileged. Next time you go to make a smug comment about how "easy it must be to stay home" think twice, because this is not an easy life. It's hard work, but so worth it!
Training Children
Let me preface this blog post with that these are my opinions and conclusions drawn throughout my limited experience as a parent, specifically a mother. I don't claim to know everything there is to know about effective parenting. I do know what works and does NOT work with my kids. I also know there are many things I haven't tried, simply because I disagree with the practices. I don't think there is a one size fits all technique to parenting. All kids are different. So let me say, once again, this is MY opinion. My BLOG, MY opinion! :)
I have a six-year-old daughter. She is beautiful, smart, funny, emotional, creative, artistic, and loveable. She loves to pretend, play dress-up, play barbies, dolls, house, kitchen, tea parties, wear pink, high heels, dresses, skirts, draw, color, paint, craft making, read, write notes, talk on the phone, play and sleep over at friends' houses, and run around outside for hours on end. She is a kid. She is designed by God and given to me to raise and teach the ways of our Lord.
I have not been the best mom at times. I was once a screamer, and still to this day, sometimes finding myself lapsing back into that practice. I do not believe that kids are born with the automatic knowledge of right and wrong. If that were the case our children would either be good or bad. We have to encourage and instruct in the ways of right and wrong.
If we didn't teach our children the things that were dangerous or if they didn't learn the cause and effect of behaviors and choices, they wouldn't ever learn what is right and wrong. They learn because we, as parents, are compelled to teach them what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Now what is acceptable will vary from family to family, but the children still learn.
Because I am a God-loving Christian, I am to the point in life where I really want to raise my children according to the Word. So, I'm taking a look at some Bible verses that have some idea of where children stand with Jesus, as well as, how do I effectively parent my children calling on the Spirit.
God says in Genesis 8:21 "The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.”
So from the beginning, God identifies that children are not born with the sense of how to behave. They need to be taught. I need to remember my children are not TRYING to drive me crazy (all the time) but that they are simply acting on inclination and natural born behaviors. However, in Proverbs, we are instructed to discipline in order to drive the reprehensible behaviors far from the instincts of children. Teaching them right and wrong.
Proverbs 22:15 "Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him."
I cannot just sit by and allow my daughter to react and disobey me. But I really struggle with HOW to discipline her effectively. My kids do not respond to the same discipline. Which is SO super frustrating at times! Because her new favorite argument is that I'm not being "fair" with them! I totally dislike that word "FAIR." Fair is what you get when you do what YOU do .. you don't get the same as someone else. It doesn't work that way! BLAH! That's a whole different blog!
So because I felt compelled to write this blog, it's a long one! I hope you're still reading .. there will be a pop quiz! :) Just kidding.
I keep thinking about the story in the Bible when Jesus stayed back at the temple and Mary and Joseph didn't know he was missing for something like 3 days and they had to trek back to town and find him. Jesus was like 11 years old at this point. Can you imagine Mary's thoughts? I mean she just lost JESUS!!!! Seriously, that is one conversation I would not want to have with God. It'd go something like this...
Me: "Uh, God... I lost Jesus." *run away .. hide ..*
In all seriousness though, Jesus was so young and even though he had stayed behind without telling his parents, she approached him in a much more calm way than I ever would've. I would've lost my mind on those steps.
I realize that as a mother, I'm going to make mistakes. I know that God is changing me and the way I parent. I seek him more when I'm at a loss of what to do. I seek him to help me when I do.
When you feel like you've lost your compass in parenting, what do you?
Do you have people that can provide you some sort of insight or new ideas?
I have a six-year-old daughter. She is beautiful, smart, funny, emotional, creative, artistic, and loveable. She loves to pretend, play dress-up, play barbies, dolls, house, kitchen, tea parties, wear pink, high heels, dresses, skirts, draw, color, paint, craft making, read, write notes, talk on the phone, play and sleep over at friends' houses, and run around outside for hours on end. She is a kid. She is designed by God and given to me to raise and teach the ways of our Lord.
I have not been the best mom at times. I was once a screamer, and still to this day, sometimes finding myself lapsing back into that practice. I do not believe that kids are born with the automatic knowledge of right and wrong. If that were the case our children would either be good or bad. We have to encourage and instruct in the ways of right and wrong.
If we didn't teach our children the things that were dangerous or if they didn't learn the cause and effect of behaviors and choices, they wouldn't ever learn what is right and wrong. They learn because we, as parents, are compelled to teach them what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Now what is acceptable will vary from family to family, but the children still learn.
Because I am a God-loving Christian, I am to the point in life where I really want to raise my children according to the Word. So, I'm taking a look at some Bible verses that have some idea of where children stand with Jesus, as well as, how do I effectively parent my children calling on the Spirit.
God says in Genesis 8:21 "The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.”
So from the beginning, God identifies that children are not born with the sense of how to behave. They need to be taught. I need to remember my children are not TRYING to drive me crazy (all the time) but that they are simply acting on inclination and natural born behaviors. However, in Proverbs, we are instructed to discipline in order to drive the reprehensible behaviors far from the instincts of children. Teaching them right and wrong.
Proverbs 22:15 "Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him."
I cannot just sit by and allow my daughter to react and disobey me. But I really struggle with HOW to discipline her effectively. My kids do not respond to the same discipline. Which is SO super frustrating at times! Because her new favorite argument is that I'm not being "fair" with them! I totally dislike that word "FAIR." Fair is what you get when you do what YOU do .. you don't get the same as someone else. It doesn't work that way! BLAH! That's a whole different blog!
So because I felt compelled to write this blog, it's a long one! I hope you're still reading .. there will be a pop quiz! :) Just kidding.
I keep thinking about the story in the Bible when Jesus stayed back at the temple and Mary and Joseph didn't know he was missing for something like 3 days and they had to trek back to town and find him. Jesus was like 11 years old at this point. Can you imagine Mary's thoughts? I mean she just lost JESUS!!!! Seriously, that is one conversation I would not want to have with God. It'd go something like this...
Me: "Uh, God... I lost Jesus." *run away .. hide ..*
In all seriousness though, Jesus was so young and even though he had stayed behind without telling his parents, she approached him in a much more calm way than I ever would've. I would've lost my mind on those steps.
I realize that as a mother, I'm going to make mistakes. I know that God is changing me and the way I parent. I seek him more when I'm at a loss of what to do. I seek him to help me when I do.
When you feel like you've lost your compass in parenting, what do you?
Do you have people that can provide you some sort of insight or new ideas?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
"Ice" Day = No School
In Alaska, we don't get the normal "snow" days. And reasonably so. We have SO much snow here, why would we need a snow day. No, we actually get so-called "snow" days or, rather, "ice" or "wind" days. Let's be frank here .. do you mind if I call you Frank? Well Frank, it's crappy weather when the wind blows here OR when we have a slight melt with eight inches of snow pack on the roads. Don't know what snow pack is .. it's where .. well .. never mind ... Google it!
So today, because we had a slight warm-up with a drizzling rain yesterday, our snow-packed roads turned into ice rinks. But not the kind you'd want to ice skate on. Do you know how hard it is to hold onto an ice cube that is wet? That's what the roads were like to drive on. It was fun taking our Mo-dog to the groomer today as I turned left and slid down the road perpendicular.
As a result of the ice rink conditions, Kara's school was canceled. If you've been reading my blog at all this week, you'll know that this was the last thing I wanted. Since I've been struggling with Mason's behavior lately. However, I decided early on in the day that I was going to make today a great day. I, also, decided that I was NOT going to stay home today, despite the road conditions.
A friend posted on Facebook about story time at the Palmer Library. I was on that like white on rice. It was at 10:30 in the morning. This gave me time to shower, eat some breakfast and get over to the library. It was well worth the trip. My kids loved listening to the stories about messiness. And loved the finger painting art afterward. I forgot to get pictures of them painting.
Following the painting, we went to the children's section of the library and I let the kids pick out some books to borrow. Kara loves that I give them their age limit in the amount of books they can pick out, because now she gets to pick out SIX whole books! She was EXCITED!!
Following the library the kids were famished hungry, so we took the short drive over to the DQ Grill and Chill for some lunch and some much needed playtime. Even with the warmer temps (at 40 degrees by noon) the kids couldn't go outside to play because it's all coated in a thick layer of slippery ice. So the playland at the DQ is entertaining enough for Kara and skill appropriate for Mason. Our friends joined us and Kara had so much fun playing with her friend in the tunnel.
Again .. I'm ashamed to admit that I don't have pictures of this activity. But the kids enjoyed their lunch and their "Special Day" treat of ice cream. :)
Today, I was going to have to pull Kara out of school anyway, because she had a dentist appointment today along with Mason. Kara is growing so fast. She's lost five teeth and has one loose. When those teeth come out .. they come out in groups. I can't believe that my little girl is 6 and losing teeth. Occasionally, when I hug her I flashback to her as a wee wittle one. It warms my heart to see how smart she is.
I digress. She has beautiful teeth. No cavities. And because her 6-year molars popped through, they were able to seal them today to help prevent cavities. She was a rockstar!
While Kara was busy with her appointment, Mason ran around hugging the bear statues in the waiting area of the dental office. His turn was coming, and he was so excited.
Mason had his VERY first dentist appointment today. He did so good. I'm so proud of my little man acting all grown up. He even let the hygienist take digital images of his teeth. They did confirm today that he does have an extra two teeth on the top. I knew that .. but getting the confirmation was even better. The hygienist was a tad surprised and said "I've never seen this before." Not very comforting if you ask me.
But his "happy appointment" was great! I am so happy my kids do not have a fear of the dentist.
We ended the day with "Red, White, and Blue Crepes" for dinner! I think today was pretty darn good. It could've and would've been a not so good day if I hadn't determined that it was going to be awesome!
So your next "snow" day with your kids, try to plan some things that are fun and exciting. It makes the day go by smoother. Get out of the house! And do things out of the norm. Your "snow" day with your kids might just turn out to be a "special" day for one of them!
So today, because we had a slight warm-up with a drizzling rain yesterday, our snow-packed roads turned into ice rinks. But not the kind you'd want to ice skate on. Do you know how hard it is to hold onto an ice cube that is wet? That's what the roads were like to drive on. It was fun taking our Mo-dog to the groomer today as I turned left and slid down the road perpendicular.
As a result of the ice rink conditions, Kara's school was canceled. If you've been reading my blog at all this week, you'll know that this was the last thing I wanted. Since I've been struggling with Mason's behavior lately. However, I decided early on in the day that I was going to make today a great day. I, also, decided that I was NOT going to stay home today, despite the road conditions.
A friend posted on Facebook about story time at the Palmer Library. I was on that like white on rice. It was at 10:30 in the morning. This gave me time to shower, eat some breakfast and get over to the library. It was well worth the trip. My kids loved listening to the stories about messiness. And loved the finger painting art afterward. I forgot to get pictures of them painting.
Following the painting, we went to the children's section of the library and I let the kids pick out some books to borrow. Kara loves that I give them their age limit in the amount of books they can pick out, because now she gets to pick out SIX whole books! She was EXCITED!!
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Mason was taking a break from all the books in the area! He was so amazed there were so many books. |
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A quick pose for picture to appease mom! I love this girl! |
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The kids figuring out the next course to take through the children's section. |
Again .. I'm ashamed to admit that I don't have pictures of this activity. But the kids enjoyed their lunch and their "Special Day" treat of ice cream. :)
Today, I was going to have to pull Kara out of school anyway, because she had a dentist appointment today along with Mason. Kara is growing so fast. She's lost five teeth and has one loose. When those teeth come out .. they come out in groups. I can't believe that my little girl is 6 and losing teeth. Occasionally, when I hug her I flashback to her as a wee wittle one. It warms my heart to see how smart she is.
I digress. She has beautiful teeth. No cavities. And because her 6-year molars popped through, they were able to seal them today to help prevent cavities. She was a rockstar!
While Kara was busy with her appointment, Mason ran around hugging the bear statues in the waiting area of the dental office. His turn was coming, and he was so excited.
Mason had his VERY first dentist appointment today. He did so good. I'm so proud of my little man acting all grown up. He even let the hygienist take digital images of his teeth. They did confirm today that he does have an extra two teeth on the top. I knew that .. but getting the confirmation was even better. The hygienist was a tad surprised and said "I've never seen this before." Not very comforting if you ask me.
But his "happy appointment" was great! I am so happy my kids do not have a fear of the dentist.
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A smile is what we strive for when visiting the dentist! |
So your next "snow" day with your kids, try to plan some things that are fun and exciting. It makes the day go by smoother. Get out of the house! And do things out of the norm. Your "snow" day with your kids might just turn out to be a "special" day for one of them!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
I love my son ..... but
I love my son. But yesterday and today .. he has driven me up the wall, around the house upside down on the ceiling, through a glass door (not literally), and put me on display. It has been a rough two days. Though today is much better than yesterday, I do have to write this out. Because, even if he is driving me crazy, I need to process all the cute things he does in order to out weigh the reasoning I have to commit myself indefinitely .. or at least for a day or two .. to a padded room with a straight jacket on.
Let's just say that yesterday ended with a man-made (Mason made) lake in the kids' bathroom that leaked into our laundry room downstairs. We have this vent thing that helps with things like that .. sooooo .. no ceiling damage. But still .. my son .. my handsome, adorable, cuddly, temperamental, irrational, rebellious, heathen son locked himself in the bathroom whilst Kara was taking a bath and proceeded to empty the bathtub one 32-ounce cup at a time. It was probably five or so minutes before we realized where he was.
Did I forget to tell you he was underwearless when we finally got into the bathroom? Oh, yeah. He was. And Kara then told us that Mason not only poured the water on the floor .. but also had increased the acidity of the lake ...... BY PEEING IN IT!
I love my son.
Today is a much better day. He decided that Kara's Barbie furniture was the perfect size for him. :) And that voided all feelings I had toward the new lake in the kids' bathroom. Because he was just too dang cute! :)
I love him!
Let's just say that yesterday ended with a man-made (Mason made) lake in the kids' bathroom that leaked into our laundry room downstairs. We have this vent thing that helps with things like that .. sooooo .. no ceiling damage. But still .. my son .. my handsome, adorable, cuddly, temperamental, irrational, rebellious, heathen son locked himself in the bathroom whilst Kara was taking a bath and proceeded to empty the bathtub one 32-ounce cup at a time. It was probably five or so minutes before we realized where he was.
Did I forget to tell you he was underwearless when we finally got into the bathroom? Oh, yeah. He was. And Kara then told us that Mason not only poured the water on the floor .. but also had increased the acidity of the lake ...... BY PEEING IN IT!
I love my son.
Today is a much better day. He decided that Kara's Barbie furniture was the perfect size for him. :) And that voided all feelings I had toward the new lake in the kids' bathroom. Because he was just too dang cute! :)
I love him!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Tin Foil Art Project
Let me first say that I did not create this project .. I found it on a blog that I am IN LOVE with ... a little bit obsessed with and maybe a tad bit stalkerish about. Only a little, but mostly a lot.
Her Web site is awesome. I think I mentioned my obsession in a previous blog, but this time I'll include her link www.housingaforest.com At any rate, this was such a fun activity for my kids. It's expressive, artistic, challenging (for me) and fun. It was such a great way to spend time with them. And I braved allowing my two-year-old son to use Sharpie permanent markers .. under VERY close supervision! :)
First let me tell you what to gather for this project:
Cereal boxes (note: start saving those things. WHO knew that that cardboard would have so many OTHER uses than to house cereal.)
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Tin foil
Sharpie Permanent Markers (rainbow style ... ooooooh yeah!!!)
Ready??? Okay ... I'll wait! ............
First .. cut the cereal flat sides to the size that you want for the art. I did SLIGHTLY smaller than 8x10 .. more like 7.90x9.90 .. you'll see when when you go to frame it .. if you choose....
Then draw a picture .. or have your kids. Though if you want to do this for your own art .. who am I to judge.
Two things .. be sure to have LARGE sketches on this thing... see all those small things .. they won't work with the glue .. speaking of glue .. once you have your masterpiece sketched .. trace the lines with the hot glue gun with a thick bead of glue. Apparently, children like this part .. I'm not dumb .. my kids did NOT handle the hot glue gun during this part....
Yay .. glue!
Tada!!!! Glue done.. This glue dries at am impressive rate. So pretty much when your done outlining this you can move on to the next step with the tinfoil.....
Wait .. hold on .. let's have a s'more without our underpants first .. oh you don't do that .. nevermind then .. moving on!
After you have put TWO layers of tinfoil on and rubbed out the shapes of the art .. trace the raised lines with a black permanent marker. This will provide the "lines" to color inside foryou the kids.
The frame them and hang your tinfoil art somewhere in your house that you want to show it off!!
We chose our family room! Happy crafting!!
Her Web site is awesome. I think I mentioned my obsession in a previous blog, but this time I'll include her link www.housingaforest.com At any rate, this was such a fun activity for my kids. It's expressive, artistic, challenging (for me) and fun. It was such a great way to spend time with them. And I braved allowing my two-year-old son to use Sharpie permanent markers .. under VERY close supervision! :)
First let me tell you what to gather for this project:
Cereal boxes (note: start saving those things. WHO knew that that cardboard would have so many OTHER uses than to house cereal.)
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Tin foil
Sharpie Permanent Markers (rainbow style ... ooooooh yeah!!!)
Ready??? Okay ... I'll wait! ............
First .. cut the cereal flat sides to the size that you want for the art. I did SLIGHTLY smaller than 8x10 .. more like 7.90x9.90 .. you'll see when when you go to frame it .. if you choose....
Then draw a picture .. or have your kids. Though if you want to do this for your own art .. who am I to judge.
Tada!!!! Glue done.. This glue dries at am impressive rate. So pretty much when your done outlining this you can move on to the next step with the tinfoil.....
Wait .. hold on .. let's have a s'more without our underpants first .. oh you don't do that .. nevermind then .. moving on!
After you have put TWO layers of tinfoil on and rubbed out the shapes of the art .. trace the raised lines with a black permanent marker. This will provide the "lines" to color inside for
The frame them and hang your tinfoil art somewhere in your house that you want to show it off!!
We chose our family room! Happy crafting!!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Sharpie Love
My crafting days just got more colorful. I have a new love in life and it is the splendor of Sharpie markers. They are so bold in their color and awesome in the different sizes. And they have a variety of uses. Not just for crossing off private information in documents anymore .. or messing up my walls .. or drawing semi-permanent tattoos on siblings.
No, these beautiful creations will now grace my crafts I do with my kids. They will create works of art. They will provide my walls with bold and colorful statements by my children. They will be useful.
I am so excited to see the first use of the new collection I got today put to use tomorrow. The craft my kids have been working on this week is going to be awesome. I'm so excited! :)
Can you picture it now!?!
No, these beautiful creations will now grace my crafts I do with my kids. They will create works of art. They will provide my walls with bold and colorful statements by my children. They will be useful.
I am so excited to see the first use of the new collection I got today put to use tomorrow. The craft my kids have been working on this week is going to be awesome. I'm so excited! :)
Can you picture it now!?!
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