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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Seven Reasons

It has been a few days since I posted last. And right now, I have a semi-quiet moment while my children are outside suffering through winter .. spring. Because, here in the great state of Alaska, we received an extra dose of winter last week. Yeah, don't get me started on that one! :) Be glad be glad be glad and rejoice!!!

Anyway, there has been a lot going on in my head. I've written about four different posts there, hidden somewhere in the dark treasures of my brain. But I can't seem to put it on paper .. well online.

So much has been going on in our world. So much that frightens and delights me. So much that I am having a hard time processing.

1) My children will never grow up in a world without metal detectors, scary people next door, or ample police coverage at events like marathons, fairs, airports. They will never know the innocence I knew as a child in playing in my neighborhood, front yard, or down the street without me worrying. My children will grow up long before they have to, because of the world we live. I wonder if my parents felt the same way when my siblings and I were growing up.

2) My heart breaks for those that are effected by so much hatred and anger in a way of being maimed. My heart breaks for the people who feel it is their duty and just right to cause such injury, physically and emotionally, to people, cities, nations. My soul cries out for the redeeming qualities of Christ. To reach those who are lost. Who feel the only way to make a difference is to spread hate, intolerance, violence.

3) When confronted with bitterness, rage, and anger, where do I seek refuge? Who or what am I calling on for comfort and guidance? I am hoping that it is MY Lord and Savior Jesus. I am hoping that I am strong enough to fight the urges of emotional instability, that I would seek other ways of dealing with fits of rage, irritation, fear. Jesus is the saving one, and He is simply just waiting there for us to say the words, "I need you."

4) Not having Facebook has made me realize a great deal in how much I sought out the approval of others. I often think about if anyone notices I'm not on Facebook. I let my mind wonder to the pictures and bragging facts I could be posting about my kids or life. Knowing that Satan is using all of this to wedge his way into my family. And he will, don't you forget that! Satan will.

5) I have the most amazing husband. Satan tried to blind me of this fact!!! I'm not joking. You might call me moody, you might say I was just having a bad day. But when I started this Facebook Detox, this idolatry detox, Satan finagled his way into my thinking. Into all that space I just cleared for Christ. He caused quite a ruckus  But thanks to prayer and my many friends that prayed when I asked, Christ is filling into those spaces that should only be for him.

6) My kids are images of God. Their ease in forgiveness, their faith and trust in me and Aaron, their spontaneity  all images of God. They remind me that I, too, have a Father that is faithful, spontaneous, and forgiving. They remind me that I am a child as well, and just because I'm an adult, I can still forgive, have faith, and be spontaneous like them. My kids are images of heaven. The innocence in their smiles, their laughter, their actions. All learning by my (and Aaron's) direction. Seeking knowledge, understanding, and approval. Not wanting to disappoint. Simply being children. If only I could be as a child ALL the time.

7) God is the most wonderful redeemer! He clears our paths, lays a guide, even sometimes gives us a peek at the road map he has set out for us. He is always there. When we fear, when we love, when we hate, when we disappoint, when we cry, when we laugh, when we fall, when we hurt. He has felt and experienced ALL of that! There is nothing better than my God!

With all that in my head, you might could see why I couldn't put together a post!

19 Days Facebook free! :)



  1. I am so happy you are finding your peace. I am one that misses you on facebook. I miss seeing what you and the amazing kids have done, I miss your adventures in Homeschool.

    I am also, quite possibly, one you wonder about.......I don't call, I don't email. That's just who I am. :~)

    Take care of yourself and the family, let the wonder and happiness grow in your heart.

    1. It was fun running into you in our hurries this morning at Wal Mart! I will be back on Facebook at sometime. But I am definitely learning how to live and love without all the self-serving Facebook has to offer. God is a God of wonders and, though I should never be surprised, I am always surprised that when giving up something I 'rely' on to be closer to him, always pays off!

      I will update the Blog tomorrow on our homeschooling year. :) We won't do another year, but this year has been full of fun, learning, excitement, and tears!

