Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Monday, October 24, 2011

Kallas Family Update

We had Kara's Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conference today. She is  doing exceptional in Kindergarten. Her teacher, Ms. Turner, says that in all meanings of the kindergarten grades, Kara is a straight A student. This makes us incredibly proud to know that her hard work at home is paying off in the school. Ms. T is also putting Kara into the new enrichment reading program with the librarian for advanced readers. Kara reads at an end kindergarten beginning first grade level with fluency and comprehension, which also makes us very proud. I'm glad they are offering such a program at her school. She is also one of the peer leaders in her class that Ms. T has determined to help the lower performing kids. Of course, both Aaron and I appreciate and understand how this helps Kara and the student she is paired with. In all, we are proud of our little girl and her performance at school. She is also thriving in art. She loves to paint, draw, cut, paste, anything that has to do with art. I see a little artist in our future.

Mason is growing like a weed. His vocabulary development is crazy. Everyday he's picked up a new phrase and uses is like a pro. He loves to rough house, build blocks, play with cars, throw balls and play catch. He is our little athlete and true boy to the core. He loves helping in big sister's class and occasionally likes shopping with me. Mainly when I remember to bring snacks. LOL He runs crazy all day and sleeps soundly at night. I often think I should take on his workout routine. =)

Aaron is working hard as ever. Doing part-time teaching with the Anchorage School District, part-time curriculum development for the ASD and part-time teacher to teacher training with the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He's always been a go getter. I am so proud of his accomplishments and how hard he works to provide for his family.

I am most days loving being home with my  monsters. I learn so much from them. I also am enjoying all the mom-to-mom outreach I get to participate in. God has truly entrusted me with this ability to mentor, advise, and counsel many moms. I could not do any of that without God. The moms I meet on a regular basis provide me with so much education in my own mothering skills. I have so many friends that are here in Alaska supporting me and there when I need them. Life is amazing here! =)

Our hairy son, Mo, is 7. It's hard to believe that we got him almost 7 years ago as a pup. He's more active and fun lately than he has been in recent years. He is fun to play with. He's protective and he's excitable. The other 23 hours a day he sleeps. ;) hahaha JUST KIDDING!

Well that's kind of a wrap up of our life in Alaska right now. We recently had some family portraits done. I'll blog that experience later. But I am impressed with the photographer I found. Her name is Tammy Smith and she owns Tammy Smith Photography. You can check out her work on her Web site


Friday, October 7, 2011

Am I really going to Potty Train a BOY!?!?!?!

The next step in my toddler's little short lived life is potty training. Oh I am so not looking forward to this. Kara was difficult to potty train. I had NO IDEA what I was doing, how to do it, when to do it, WHY to do it!!!! :) It was a stressful time. LOL

So yesterday, as Aaron and I were discussing my need to purchase more diapers, he says (and I quote) "WE need to potty train Mason." Yes he said WE, but we all know he meant ME. When looking at this word in writing it's easy to see that he simply just got the "W" upside down and he really meant an "M" but not HIM ... me ... and what he really meant to say was "YOU need to potty train Mason." He meant that I really needed to do it and then said that he was looking forward to the day when he came home from work and didn't have to swipe poopy diapers off the garage step in order to get into the house.


THAT is what he is looking forward to!!! That's the most insane reasoning for potty training I have ever heard. So I entertain him and this "we" he has thrown out there and proceeded to list reasons why HE should be the one to potty train Mason. The main one being I have different plumbing. =) I know that's about as logical as his "poopy diapers on the step" reason, but hey, a girl's gotta have a reason to debate when the "WE" has been thrown into the court as a playing card. =)

At any rate, I thought about this potty training business, and the fact that I know that I will be the one that does it, but I'm completely gun shy. My last round with potty training was only successful when I took Kara on a trip to see family and my aunt put to good use her experience and potty trained Kara in the two weeks we were in Las Vegas. Hey I wonder if she'll come here for a visit and potty train Mason for me?!?!?!

What is your experience with potty training boys? How did you do it? What failed you? HELP!?!?!?!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let It Be

When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,

there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be.

Let it be, let it be, .....

And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me,

shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, ..... 

 Sometimes The Beatles are the exact advice that we seek.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mid-Morning Escapades

Ever feel like you are alone in the mothering days when at the store? I am sure that I am not the only one out there with a 2 y/o that likes to saunter through the store as if to own it. And then when he comes in contact with another person of his size he and s/he exchange words that even the finest linguist wouldn't be able to decipher. I think they are planning to take over the candy aisle. Then every time we pass this other toddler in the store, they exchange knowingly glances and giggles and wave. Sometimes even reaching out to each other for high fives.

If adults did this, we'd be jailed. I mean, could you imagine the exchange in secret code at the grocery store, then the glances, high fives. Either jailed or admitted. That or people would avoid you. I'm just sayin.

At any rate, children in stores get away with the silliest of behaviors that have been deemed by the old people as cute. I take Mason shopping only in the morning because there are less people for him to give his secrets to. And he can wander through the store like a "big kid" without me worrying if he's going to bother others. The only other people in the store at that time are construction workers getting some carb refills and little old ladies pushing carts that out weigh them. A topic for another discussion. Why is it that the carts of massive size are the ones that the little old ladies pick???

Anyway, Mason keeps me hopping through the store, playing peek-a-boo and discussing the meaning of life with the other little people there, because their mothers probably also realized it's much easier to shop in the mid-morning with them. 

I have one piece of advice for you with toddlers, shop in the mid-morning. EVERYWHERE! :)
