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Friday, October 7, 2011

Am I really going to Potty Train a BOY!?!?!?!

The next step in my toddler's little short lived life is potty training. Oh I am so not looking forward to this. Kara was difficult to potty train. I had NO IDEA what I was doing, how to do it, when to do it, WHY to do it!!!! :) It was a stressful time. LOL

So yesterday, as Aaron and I were discussing my need to purchase more diapers, he says (and I quote) "WE need to potty train Mason." Yes he said WE, but we all know he meant ME. When looking at this word in writing it's easy to see that he simply just got the "W" upside down and he really meant an "M" but not HIM ... me ... and what he really meant to say was "YOU need to potty train Mason." He meant that I really needed to do it and then said that he was looking forward to the day when he came home from work and didn't have to swipe poopy diapers off the garage step in order to get into the house.


THAT is what he is looking forward to!!! That's the most insane reasoning for potty training I have ever heard. So I entertain him and this "we" he has thrown out there and proceeded to list reasons why HE should be the one to potty train Mason. The main one being I have different plumbing. =) I know that's about as logical as his "poopy diapers on the step" reason, but hey, a girl's gotta have a reason to debate when the "WE" has been thrown into the court as a playing card. =)

At any rate, I thought about this potty training business, and the fact that I know that I will be the one that does it, but I'm completely gun shy. My last round with potty training was only successful when I took Kara on a trip to see family and my aunt put to good use her experience and potty trained Kara in the two weeks we were in Las Vegas. Hey I wonder if she'll come here for a visit and potty train Mason for me?!?!?!

What is your experience with potty training boys? How did you do it? What failed you? HELP!?!?!?!


1 comment:

  1. I potty trained Tyler because Mike and I were divorced so it was all up to me. I had him trained in 2 days. I don't know if it's from the actual training or if I was just REALLY lucky but all I did was put big boy underwear on him and waited a lil bit after he got done with his juice. I sat him on the toilet and I sat on the edge of the bathtub in front of him, he had this lil octopus toy that he'd throw in the tub and I'd have to retrieve it over and over and over and over again because he thought it was hilarious. He'd suddenly pee and I'd say "See! You're supposed to do that in the potty so you don't have to wear a baby diaper!" He'd clap and be super proud of himself, we did it again the next day and ever since then, he'd only have accidents in the middle of the night, usually from a bad dream. Now for going number 2 it was a lil different. He'd go hide in his closet and go in his underwear. Luckily, The Incredible Hulk was coming out in theaters and he'd seen the previews so I sat him on the toilet and asked him what the Hulk does, he grunted and flexed, and tah-dah, he learned to do 1 and 2 in the potty. You'll find what works best for you but the main thing I learned is he'll do it when he's ready, not when you're ready so patience is key and a major sense of humor. Good luck!
