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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Starving for Reaffirmation .. God ALWAYS Provides!!!

For some reason, I got a double whammy with being sick.
And winter hasn't even made it's full appearance yet.
It's no biggie though.
I mean, I can still do the laundry, make the meals, clean up after the kids, do my job for my realtor boss, edit pictures, home school Kara, take both kids to their schools on their respective days, sleep, eat.....

Only when hopped up on dayquil and espresso ...

No problem.

If my heart jumps out of my chest, just blame the dayquil, I don't want espresso to get a bad name! :)

Today, while Kara was doing her worksheets, I was having one of my moments, where I doubt my decision to home school. They are coming less frequently as I see the benefits in my child's self esteem and performance, but they, no doubt, still come.

So I love this one blogger Mom, she is amazing!
My hero actually.
Look, I'm working with one kid, she has 4!!! FOUR kids!!!

At any rate, I pretty much stalk her.
Her blog.
Her Facebook page.
Whatever I can!
See, I'm obsessed, just putting it out there for you..

But that's neither here nor there.
What made me doubt this home school thing was this........
This is our station for home schooling. It is CHAOTIC to me!

I need organization! I need help in organization!!!!!!! Can you help me?!?!

So as I was doing my daily stalking of her Facebook page, I saw that someone had made a comment after me on something I had commented on.

Her comment was a Website about the academic performance of home school kids.

EXACTLY what I needed to read!!! Click HERE to read the article!
I think for a many days to come, I'm going to need reaffirmation!

And I praise God every time he places information in front of me to reaffirm our decision!

1 comment:

  1. EDIT: Let me say, I only took a picture of ONE part of our school area .. I'm much to ashamed for the rest to be publicized!
