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Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Children are the MOST Amazing Children!

All I have to say is that I am so glad today was a test day!!! Or as Mason heard it "Treasure Chest Day" HAHAHAHA
We .. when I say we I mean me .. I have decided to do a 4 day a week schedule.
This being our first week, it went rather smoothly with the curriculum.
When I finally have possession of our Language Arts and Reading curriculum, we'll see how it all pans out.
But for now, it worked FABULOUS.
And today, was test day.
Spelling and Math.

I am so incredibly proud of how Kara is working within this new schedule.
She is thriving!
Bouncing back to her beautiful being that I know she is.
She is being courteous again.
Polite to others.
Helpful to her brother.
The sassiness has almost ceased.
And, no, she is not 100% home schooled!
So I know that she is around other kids and adults without me around.
She is being respectful again.
And she is obeying, kind, generous, thoughtful, and smiley again!
Yes, almost all of that had left my beautiful favorite daughter.
Which is one part of the reason we decided to home school.

Parents have deep impact on children's behavior.  And yes, I know they have to be acclimated to situations without parents around to be able to practice these attributes. But what was happening is that while Kara was expected to do all those things, and usually did, she wasn't academically performing to her level.

I know my child. And I know what is best for her. Not anyone else (except for Aaron and God). Between us three, we are able to proceed in the direction we are going without any issues! And it has been FABULOUS!

Kara is working her hardest and performing better than before. I will not look back to the past of education with her. Because it was just not fitting to our expected mold for our child! And no parent should have to just "accept" the system in which they are thrown, just because!

Many people voiced concerns about Kara being able to concentrate at home, receive one on one attention, or have us give special attention to Mason. Won't this overload us? Won't it cause problems with raising our kids individuality?

I can assure all of you, that Kara is receiving a more individualized education than we could've ever dreamed of before. I can also assure you, that my children are not being neglected. She is working hard, concentrating and focusing. And when it is "school time" while Mason naps, she is focused on learning!

I am one proud momma of my favorite daughter and favorite son!!

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