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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chapter 11; Worry-Some Mom

Hello, my name is Samantha and I am a worry wart. My husband has diagnosed me with Worst Case Scenario Syndrome (not an official illness deemed by the medical field professionals). I am in transition.

I feel much better. LOL! Seriously, I really do worry about everything. My kids safety is at my utmost concern and even more so their future safety. How can I possibly be concerned for events that have not yet transpired? I am a mental case, as I think all moms are when it comes to their children.

However, am I only concerned inside? The truth is I know that I'm raising my children to be productive members of our society. If I cocoon them into a world of bubble wrap, who really am I protecting? One day they will leave my house and begin a life of their own. My only hope is that I raise them to make good decisions and be good to people.

It is really hard for me to let go in a timely manner. I know the day will come in the next year that Kara will be venturing off in her own to school. Kindergarten. That awful year. LOL! Really it's not awful, but it is the gearing up for another phase in my mothering season. I want my child to go to school. I want her to experience the social aspects in life and be a model of kindness. But I have to start that now. OH THE PRESSURE!!! It just so happens that I forget all too often that I have someone else to lean on. To rely on in the seasons of mothering. God.

The Bible states in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

It is beyond important to me that I remember this scripture. It helps me when I'm struggling with protecting my kids from future unknowns. I know that God is there to help me, and He'll be there to help my kids.

I cannot protect my kids from everything, but I can arm them with the Word the Truth the knowledge that in everything they do, God is there for them. If I teach them this, they'll have a shield for their lives and I can rest. HAHAHAH! Yeah .. God knows me. He knows that I will do what I can for my kids, but I'll always have concern for them. It is natural for me to feel protective of my kids. I love them. But I won't always be there to encourage their decisions.

To be frank, I am scared out of my wits for them to be young adults. Only because I know how I was. LOL! I just hope they are equipped to make good decisions. Worrying will only get me so far. I have to equip them. I can't change the world around them, but I can encourage how they respond to it.

More Real Mom Moments:

  • A real mom encourages her babies to do the next skill, and once her babies roll, crawl, or walk, she silently wishes her babies weren't growing up so fast.
  • A real mom tells her husband to take the kids out for a while, and then determines not to worry the whole time they are gone.
  • A real mom wants a night to herself for relaxation, but thinks about her kids the entire time.
Peace be with you!

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to know as a mom that no matter how narotic you may seem, you are just like every other mom. You are never alone when you worrry. I loved this!
