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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chapter 10: Busy Moms

Ok .. so it's kinda funny that this blog would be about being a busy mom, when that's the whole reason I haven't blogged in so long. I've been rather busy. From camping to in-laws to my sister's wedding out of state, life's been busy in our home.

After reading this chapter I came to the realization that I have some crazy expectations for myself. The funny thing about me is if I make a to-do list for myself .. it grows normally throughout the day .. I tend to quit if I don't get the first item checked off in the first hour of being awake. Perhaps I should make "drinking coffee" my first item.

I love having a clean house, but man it's rough with the two kids I have and the ages they are. One and 4 are rough dirty ages. They get out a ton of stuff at once and even Kara still doesn't quite understand the concept of "put something away before getting something else out." Which, most days, drives me UP THE FREAKING WALL!! Phew, ok I feel better now.

The truth is I'm a list-making, task-oriented, goal-driven, slightly control freak. I do not function well in chaos (just ask Aaron) and I do not work well when I don't know what is expected. I'm an organization junkie that lives in organized chaos. Being busy is what I do best.

However, when I have too many things on my to-do list, I fail. I think the true test of success for me would be to revamp my to-do list. There was a time when I had to vacuum and sweep daily. Mason had a healthy appetite for floor crap. So it was slightly necessary.

Being a busy mom is natural. we all do it. Women simply are built for multi-tasking and engaging in multiple activities at one time. Our houses are not always spotless. Seriously, I'll hire a maid if I can afford it at some point in my life. I'm not lying. I love a clean house, I just cannot simply do it at the moment. My vacuum lines will always appear though.

But don't stress over the little things. It's okay if the fort from yesterday is still built in the front room when your mother-in-law stops over for a visit, unexpectedly. It might be slightly entertaining to have her crawl through. :) Then .. in that case .. leaving that mess was completely worth it.

One last note, you don't always have to take your shoes off when you come in my house. I'll grade the floor cleanliness quality on a day to day basis.

More Real Mom Moments:

  • A real mom doesn't vacuum everyday.
  • A real mom uses plates when entertaining guests. But lots of times the family gets paper plates.
  • A real mom knows the true meaning of "eat and run."
Peace be with you all!

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