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Monday, November 5, 2012

One Monthish Down

So, we are a month into home schooling and I'm pretty sure today was the longest day of home schooling yet.

We didn't have any extra work other than our normal stuff. Kara was just so easily distracted with whatever thoughts popped into her little mind. Sometimes, I am amazed at the things she thinks of.

As part of her Farm School attendance, I make encourage her to journal every day that she goes to school. In the beginning, this was a bit of a task because she didn't want to do it. As she reads back through the last month of attendance at the school, she loves that she can recall the events that took place, and the fun she is having. I think she will enjoy that journal even more once she is out of the Magpies class.

This last month has had many challenges, but it has had many more rewards. I love that my daughter and I have a new found relationship. I never expected her to be so brutally honest and open with me. I, at the very least, just hoped to help her confidence and ambition. There are days where I am surprised I'm not complete intoxicated by the time Aaron gets home from work. Let's just say, there is not a day that I am alone. I am ALWAYS with a child!

I am seeing the beauty in home schooling. And the further into our curriculum and activities we go, the more I love it! When I get to help my child one to one with her struggles in understanding a concept, I know she is getting a better grasp on it. When I get to see her excel in her subject content, get 100% on her tests, and most (and best) of all see her handwriting improve. That is the reward of home schooling.

Is our system perfect? Absolutely not! I will say it's still a system in progressive nature. :)

We work together. And there are days where Kara doesn't want to cooperate. I get it. She's 6. She would do that at public school as well, as with any other child. She is more loving and caring now than I have ever seen. She wants to help. She is listening better. But she still has her stubborn independent sassy attitude. Most of which I don't necessarily want to change. My girl is spunky and such a joy to teach!

I have watched her relationship with her brother improve 10 fold! That has to be the best result of this home schooling adventure we embarked on a month ago. Seeing siblings play, fight, make up, and, in general, just be together agreeably is an amazing thing! She has even started "teaching" Mason! Which is awesome!

I love my children. I love my family! I am so incredibly blessed to have this opportunity to home school. I'm not sure how long I will be able to have this blessing in my life, but I know that I will not take it for granted. Even on those days, where time by myself would be super, I remind myself that I'm one lucky mom! I get to be with the best kids in the whole world.

And I get to watch them grow academically, spiritually, emotionally! I get to teach them!

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