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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Daily Dose of Vitamin HS -Holy Spirit

 I am having trouble extending the same acceptance that I ask for from others. Do you ever find yourself caught up in your own double talk? Where you want those to accept your behaviors, but you refuse to accept theirs? I find myself doing that more and more as I learn more and more about what Jesus wants from me and my life.

I have a hard time not backing down from seemingly pointless arguments. I make it a necessary point to point out the obvious ill-nature in others. I try to remind myself that I, too, am not perfect in any way. I have fallen, I will fall.

Today I was searching for some answers from Jesus about my stand on people in general. Why can't I be the right one and make it known? Why can't all who hear me, believe? This is just pure arrogance. And it completely blocks out the real message.

People won't hear me, they will hear Jesus. And if I'm the one taking this credit, what does that make me?? I know that getting caught up in quarrelsome conversation that only causes me to argue about Jesus is not healthy. I'm not acting righteously if I'm doing that.

So my question becomes, how do I NOT get caught up in debates that are not spiritually guided? How do I stay away from the feelings of intolerance? What is the direction that Jesus wants me to go in situations like that? I'm still unsure of all those answers. But I know that clearly in 1 Cor. 3:3 Paul says, "You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?"

So it has to be my daily goal to be righteous. It takes a lot of work. A lot of pray. A lot of focus on the Spirit. This is my daily dose of Vitamin HS for today.

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