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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mid-Morning Escapades

Ever feel like you are alone in the mothering days when at the store? I am sure that I am not the only one out there with a 2 y/o that likes to saunter through the store as if to own it. And then when he comes in contact with another person of his size he and s/he exchange words that even the finest linguist wouldn't be able to decipher. I think they are planning to take over the candy aisle. Then every time we pass this other toddler in the store, they exchange knowingly glances and giggles and wave. Sometimes even reaching out to each other for high fives.

If adults did this, we'd be jailed. I mean, could you imagine the exchange in secret code at the grocery store, then the glances, high fives. Either jailed or admitted. That or people would avoid you. I'm just sayin.

At any rate, children in stores get away with the silliest of behaviors that have been deemed by the old people as cute. I take Mason shopping only in the morning because there are less people for him to give his secrets to. And he can wander through the store like a "big kid" without me worrying if he's going to bother others. The only other people in the store at that time are construction workers getting some carb refills and little old ladies pushing carts that out weigh them. A topic for another discussion. Why is it that the carts of massive size are the ones that the little old ladies pick???

Anyway, Mason keeps me hopping through the store, playing peek-a-boo and discussing the meaning of life with the other little people there, because their mothers probably also realized it's much easier to shop in the mid-morning with them. 

I have one piece of advice for you with toddlers, shop in the mid-morning. EVERYWHERE! :)


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