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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Oh GOSH!"

I think that raising a two-year-old boy has its benefits. My son's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds, and everyday he is more and more understandable, putting together three and four-word phrases that make complete sense. Like for instance, this morning when he was in his room, ready to wake up and leave his room, he was at his door saying "Mommy, open my door."

One might ask why he doesn't open his door himself. I'll explain. See when he figured out how to open doors, we couldn't keep him in his room at night. Well this all took place while I was on a nine-day mommy vacay in May. So I guess, Aaron couldn't keep him in his room. So he purchased those doorknob things, you know the ones that go over the doorknobs to keep children out of rooms. Well Aaron put one inside Mason's room to keep him in. Only, Mason was able to get the knob detractor thingy ma bobber off. Soooo, what's the only logical thing to do .... duck tape it on there. So he can't get out of his room. I'm pretty confident that we are the not the first parents to block our children in their rooms for somewhat peaceful sleep.

Just don't shut the door when you are in the room with him. It's a pain in the neck to try to open. =)

At any rate, I digress to the new phrases he is picking up. So this morning we got home after dropping Kara off at school and he wanted to watch "Toy Story." I said, "No, but I think Cat in the Hat is on......" I wasn't confident in this scenario, nor how it was going to play out. Boys are strong-willed and stubborn, or at least mine is. He puts his hands on his knees and says as he's walking toward the family room "Ohhh, gossshhh, Momma."

This is his new thing when he's conceding but not all the way. Everyday I get about five or 10 "Oh, Gosh, Momma's." It's quite cute and hilarious. He keeps me hopping!


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