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Friday, August 30, 2013

Married with Friends

This was a phenomena my best-friend, Steph, and I realized years ago. Probably shortly after I had met and married Aaron. We married each other.

Aaron and Steph are so much alike, it's ridiculous. Have you ever compared your best friend to your spouse? The things that bother you? The things you love? The similarities? Do it now, I dare you! It's super eery.

Steph will say her husband and I are so much alike, too. This is the reason he and I get along so well. Just like she and Aaron get along. But this phenomena didn't stop with just my best friend.

Today, another friend and I were talking about our houses. And she pulls the "You're just like 'George'." (name to be kept private) I, at some point in my life, have decided I didn't want to be like someone .. or that others spouses were insane.

But I realize, being married with friends, means I'm friending Aaron over and over again. And it's kinda cool!

I keep finding people that are driven, goal oriented, focused on improving themself. I do notice that when I force friendships with people who are like me, I get frustrated. I start to feel like it's pointless. And that I am their doormat. It's a painful experience.

The hard part about finding friends that are like Aaron, their spouses aren't always like me. Which makes being married with friends difficult at times. How do you find those friends that are couples? Those that you both connect with?