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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dairy Free Me

Since embracing my new ways of eating (by force) I have found a new love in new creations. And I think, so has my family. I am allergic to cow's milk, all it's preservatives, baker's yeast, and sesame. Like in a really bad way. Well not the way that would put me in the hospital, but in a way that makes my life and Aaron's very miserable. :)

So in order to make sure my belly isn't starving and my mood isn't swinging for lack of food, I've taken on the experimental way of cooking and food prep.

My mom was always making up weird things to feed us when we were growing up. I don't think we ever really ate the same thing twice in a month. Okay, maybe a month, but still. She'd see something on the TV or in a magazine and think to herself, "I can do that." It was like playing Russian Roulette sometimes. :)

Now, I don't necessarily cook or bake in that way, I do see a recipe that is loaded with a bunch of "no-nos" for me and I attempt to figure out how to make it my way. I also have several friends that have had to adapt recipes for their own families, not to mention the many vegan/vegetarian friends I have that have been so awesome in suggestions for me. I am not vegan, though I do love some of the vegan recipes I have come across.

At any rate, I am on a wrap kick lately. I love wraps. Mainly because I can have tortillas. Well not all of them, but the two brands I do buy I can have! Because bread is out for me, except for one brand my friend, Amber, found for me, I have grown to love more like obsess over tortillas. Taco Loco, a brand made locally in Anchorage is my favorite. But I've also found Tumaro's Organic Tortillas, especially the Spinach and Garden Vegetable one (YUM YUM!!!).

Changing my diet to really be honest and reflective of my body's needs has not been easy. Ask anyone that I am around regularly. I have bitterness in my heart that I cannot partake of my beloved Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Especially the holiday shaped ones. Those always taste so much better. :)

But I feel so much better when I don't eat the things I'm not supposed to. Not giving into the cheesecake at MOPS what a mean trick =) wasn't easy. But I know my belly thanked me later in the day when I gave it an organic dairy free peanut butter cookie!

This transition has only been made easy for me because my awesome hubby is so supportive and willing to try anything. He's even adapted some of his favorite recipes for me!

What are your favorite food things you've had to adapt or change to fit dietary restrictions?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Escaping the Backyard Banishment

What what .. more than 10 days since my last post .. oh this is not good! I have so much to say. .. how will I say it in one blog post?? Well I'll just stick to recent developments.

What ever happened to front yard interaction? I remember when I was little my sister and I played in our front yard, neighbors front yard, friends' front yards, FRONT YARD. All while my parents sat on the porch talking with the neighbors, young and older. It was a different time I suppose.

Why have we, as parents during this day and age, been banished to backyard exile? I have a wonderful front yard and driveway, as well as a kid friendly backyard. But recently, as we have been engaging in activities in our front yard, i.e. chalking and riding bikes in the driveway, climbing the tree, playing tag, usual kid sport, we have been getting some awful stares from the drivers of cars SPEEDING around the corner only to quickly realize there are children in the yard.

Seriously, people, why do you have to SPEED through a neighborhood? Don't forget that because I'm out front with my kids, this must be MY fault that they have to slow down. Even my neighbors, who are interesting people, give us weird looks because we are in the front yard. I don't get it.

Soon we will be putting a swing on our porch, which will only mean MORE front yard living. Why is this a phenomenon? What happened to neighborly conversations in the hot hours of the day? What happened to innocent front yard playtime? Biking riding in the street without fear of some nutso speeding around the corner? Hopscotch by sidewalk chalk? Kick the can in the dusky hours of the evening? Yelling down the street to let your kids know it was time to come in?

Are these activities really a lost time in our lives? Has technology and fear of your neighbor really taken over the personalization of community? Are you really in that big of a hurry that you can't slow down and smile at your neighbors when you're driving by just to say a friendly, "hello." Or wave at the kids that are so anxiously waving at you?

I refuse to be banished to my backyard because I'm causing some sort of inconvenience for you when you are talking on your cell phone driving 35 mph in MY neighborhood. Yes I will yell "SLOW DOWN" because my children DESERVE the right to have a childhood filled with innocent front yard play!

I am curious, where did front yard neighborly kindness go?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Craft Tray Heaven!

I have many crafty friends and many friends that don't like crafts because of the mess it creates. I'm an in betweener crafter. I craft because I know it's fun for my kids. Gives us time to connect. Allows them to tap into unused creativity. Encourages motor skill development. And gives them a sense of confidence when they create something that I display. (I display everything for a while.)

So while I was trying to figure out how to prevent extreme paint overload mess in my house, I was reading a blog ... one of my favorites Housing a Forest ... and she was having a "cleaning day" with her kids art trays ... here ... and I thought .. AMAZING idea!!! So ever since then I was on the hunt for trays for my kids to do the painting, gluing, glittering, etc. on to help decrease the craft mess that seems to find it's way around my house and onto my kitchen table.

Since we don't have Ikea in Alaska (SUCH A BUMMER!!!!) I was on the hunt at our local stores. I wanted something that was durable, plastic preferred, with handles (different than the blog I read) because I wanted the kids to be able to carry the trays without problems. I searched and searched and searched. Target, Fred Meyer, Carrs, Joanns, the Dollar store, and finally .. one of the few times I stepped into Wal Mart, there they were .. for $2 each!! The trays I wanted!!!!

 Glorious tray! Perfect for the kids. Big enough to hold an 9x12 piece of art paper. And everything is contained!! WOOHOO!!!!

So yesterday was the first time we set out to use the trays for a craft. These trays worked PHENOMENAL for the kids when they wanted to play with Playdoh, btw.

 Egg cartons work GREAT for containing paints. :) A little after school prepped activity and game to keep the kids occupied while I prepped for dinner.

So I set out a craft for the kids for after school. And they really enjoyed having their own little painting tray. It was fun to watch them create and get as messy (in the tray) as they wanted. They, on their own, stuck to the limitations of the tray. I was super proud.

My new love .... CRAFT TRAYS!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Today I did my first training on the Alaskan MLS system. I got a part-time job assisting a realtor here in Alaska. I think it will turn out to be a pretty efficient flowing job, once I understand and get a grip on what I'm suppose to be doing. I'm still rather confused. I don't quite know what my job duties are, but I'm sure as I go along it will all get ironed out.

But my post today isn't to bore you with the details of my new job. I'm posting because I got this job, and now I"m confused as to what I am. Am I a stay-at-home-mom? Am I a working mom? I decided to create a new title for the moms that work from home .. SWAHM. ... how's that work for you .. LOL I'm a stay-working-at-home-mom???? I think it fits. Especially if your pronounce it "swam."

I'm swimming in life. Sometimes floundering. Sometimes drowning. Sometimes floating. Sometimes butterflying my way through it. It's an interesting place to be in life. I know that my husband is extremely excited at the prospects of a second income. He breathes easier now. LOL

I guess this just confuses me a tad, because I wasn't looking for a job, yet I found one. I was FINALLY comfortable being home with my kids, focusing clearly on what they needed instead of worrying about working. I was FINALLY okay with just enjoying the innocence and youngness (is that a word?) of my children. Relishing in their awe with the things about life. Answering their insanely critical questions that have to be repeated 100 times exactly before I can answer them.

Working from home is not new to me. No, I use to be a copy-editor for three newspapers in Utah. I worked from home. I owned my photography business .. I worked from home and the beautiful nature the surrounds us. But I haven't had a "real" job since I quit editing. That's almost four years. That's a long time to attempt to get back into the working swing of things.

I think that as time goes on, I will see the plan in all of this. God laid this job directly in my path for me to grasp. I grabbed hold and am trusting in His plan for my (our) life. He has not lead us astray yet, why would he start now?!?!


Monday, April 2, 2012

My Favorite Son

Mason turned 3 this past Friday (March 30) and I'm in shock at how much more maturity he has shown in the past few days. Does this happen to all 3 y/o??? Because it has been weird. So I thought I'd just write a quick post about my boy that keeps me guessing and laughing all day long!!

He was born midday in 2009. It was a pretty simple delivery. 
He came out charged to take on the world, but needs Momma's hip to do so. :) 
He is so snuggly and cuddly when he wants to be. 
He loves to wrestle his dad, sister and Mo-dog (Mo doesn't like this activity so much).
He really LOVES strawberries, but only takes one bite from each strawberry. What a waster!

He use to sound like a gangster saying things like "Where my sisser is?" or "Where my daddy is?"

He loves baths and mud. The combo is not permitted in this house.
He puts his boots on with only underwear and calls himself Superman while wearing a Spiderman cape.
He attempts to refuse to hold my hand in the parking lot, but this is remedied when I tell him there will be a car monster that will get him.

He can't say "tattoo" instead points out my "baboons" to me everyday. It's not much of an ego booster.
He has started to LOVE going to "scunch" school (Sunday School)
He REALLY REALLY loves "freeler" rides (4-wheeler)
And he is in LOVE with his sisser!

He will raid the kitchen when not being watched and eat EVERYTHING.
He's scrawny.
He says "Thank you, Momma" when I lay him down for a nap or bedtime, even though he doesn't want to take one.
He tells me "No"ALL the time.
He loves to push the buttons on the debit card machine at the checkouts.
He is potty training, not potty trained and I am wishing he would learn to pee standing up for aiming purposes.

He is scared to death of bugs and spiders, but loves animals and fish.
It's actually quite hilarious! =) So mean, I know!

That's my boy in a nutshell. There is way more, but I'm getting teary eyed thinking about his nature. He is such an awesome kid to be a mom to. Even when he's driving me bonkers!